๏ปฟLet's help you become a full-time creator this year, shall we? What if you could become a full-time creator just six months from now? Even nine months from now, 12 months from now, what an epic career pivot, like how cool would that be without having to go back to study, without having to do an executive MBA for 18 months and pay 50 grand for it, like what if you could change your career, have this completely different career path, make more than what you're earning in corporate, have way more flexibility and freedom, like how good would that be?
Roadmap to Becoming a Full-Time Creator
I'm going to walk you through the roadmap, the game plan. What would it look like if you're studying from zero? What are you working on? In what order to become a full-time creator? Even if you're side hustling, even if you have a nine to five right now, what are you focusing on in what order and what might that look like?
Empire Era Program Overview
And this episode is inspired by the roadmap you find within Empire Era. Now, Empire Era is my signature group coaching program, and it's all around going from. Absolutely zero. Like you can have no idea what you want to do or just an inkling. It doesn't matter, but we will absolutely build your three-year business vision.
We will reverse engineer. It will make it incredibly structured in terms of your goals, your roadmap, what to do, and when we obviously land your niche, your marketing positioning, your differentiators, your personal brand, we develop incredible offers, your funnels, your content machine, your launch plan.
Yeah. The goal is to go from absolute nothing to being able to pull off your four or five figure launch, right? So having a really successful launch. Now, the steps that we cover within Empire Era roughly pertain to what I'm about to speak to now, okay? So it's a nice taster of the kind of work that you do inside this program.
And if you want to be in the know, because this program has been closed for so long. Six months, if you want to be on the wait list. To be in the know about the next cohort opening because it always sells out and the people on the waitlist are going to have A very special opportunity and bonus that will not be available anywhere else Then I will leave the link in the show notes for you because we are going to be opening the waitlist officially We are going to be launching this thing over the next few weeks and honestly It's going to be A good time.
It's going to be for the people who get in, for the people who get one of the spots, like it's going to freaking change their lives forever. And so if you're curious and want to be in the know, make sure that you join the wait list. Otherwise, let's talk about your game plan over the next six months. How are you going to pull this off?
How are you going to become a full-time coach, course creator, consultant? How are you going to do this thing by the power of content creation and personal branding? Within six months, let's call it 26 weeks, what are you going to be working on and in what order?
Building Your Business Vision
I want you to spend the first two weeks building out your business vision.
And your business vision has two main components for me three really. The third is mindset, but it's a bit hard to cover that in depth in. An overview episode like this, I want to do it justice, so I might do a separate episode on the whole mindset piece around owning your expertise, having the confidence to go for it, and actually being able to show up and act as if you've already made it so that, ironically, you can therefore make it.
But the other two components are numbers and niche, okay? Numbers. I want you to flesh out your three year business vision, and I have an episode that I released not too many episodes ago, won't take much scrolling to find on how I'm creating my business vision and how you can follow along, so that might help you as well to get clear on some of the numbers, but I want to have that three year vision as to what you'd love to be earning three years from now.
And you'll see within the visioning episode, it's cool. So what does that look like? What am I selling? Do I have people on my team? There are other questions that go at play, but the main thing is getting clear on that number then. And this is like imagining your three years full time in your business.
Okay. So this is your thing. This is your career now. Then I want you to reverse engineer that back to your 12 months. Like your first 12 months, again, full time in your business. What are you going to pull off? Now, for me, I was blind. I didn't have adequate support. I didn't have an adequate business model, but I was still able to make 150K in my first 12 months.
And then 500K on year two. And then a million in year three in terms of business revenue. So dream big. Why not? If I can do it, why not you? Okay. So you want to reverse engineer that to your first, your 12 month goals, your first year of full time in business. And then I want you to reverse engineer that even further and decide on a freedom number.
And your freedom number can be, made up of different components, but essentially it's the number that makes you think, yeah, okay, I'm going to go all in. For example. If you want to make 100k in your first 12 months, full time in business, what would you like to have proved to yourself that you could earn per month when you're a side hustler?
If you're working on this 15 hours a week, or 10 hours a week, and you're able to make what, would that be enough for you to be like, I'm gonna go all in? If I can make that three months in a row, I'm gonna trust myself and I'm gonna go in full time. Because at some point, your income will be capped because you just can't put enough hours into your business, of course.
Transcribed So if you need 8, 000 per month to live off, maybe if you're making 4, 000 per month, only working 15 hours per week, you're saying to yourself, hell, if I was working on this therefore 40 hours a week, I trust that I could make this, turn this into 8K, plus my audience is getting bigger, my content's doing well, I'm getting testimonials now, like all of these things will snowball, so that it will become easier and easier to make money.
So you've got to think about what your freedom number might be. So that would be one way of looking at it. Or for some people, it's not about how much they're earning as such, because maybe they haven't monetized their audience yet. Some people want to, because of, sometimes it's because of work situations.
They feel like they, maybe it's in their contract that they actually aren't allowed to have a secondary source of income. So some people are building up their businesses on the side from just a community standpoint, an audience standpoint, building that email list, like getting ready to roll.
And for them, it's about having. Three to six months worth of savings and that's their freedom number. So everyone's different, but I want you to know what your freedom number is. When you're saying to yourself, you know what? I'll take the leap. I would take the leap and go in full time. So I want you to get super clear on those numbers.
Finding Your Niche
I also want you to find and refine your niche. I want your niche to be purposeful. I want it to be profitable. I want it to be anchored in your natural strengths. I want it to be anchored in your lived experiences. Okay, so I really want you to think about problems that you have solved in your life. Like for you five years ago, what have you been through?
What have you solved for yourself? What have you figured out that you could help people who are much younger than you or at a different phase of life or just not there on their journey yet. What could you help absolute beginners who haven't started yet? What problems could you help them solve?
And it could be as simple as you're brilliant at meal prepping. Or it could be as complex as you've mastered your nervous system regulation. Okay, but think about every single problem that you have solved. Or you might have skills from your professional life, for example, that can help others to solve problems.
So that was me in Badass Careers, right? I wasn't looking for a job and landing jobs. I had done that, of course, many times in my life, but I wasn't doing that in real time for Badass Careers. I was using my skills from my HR profession to help people with, at first, their resumes, their personal branding, and then evolve that into career purpose and that kind of thing.
Which By the way, was not a skillset that I had. It was a skillset that I developed as an entrepreneur. So you always have the skills and the things you can help people solve at front. And then you keep upskilling, you keep educating yourself, you keep growing, and then you can offer more expensive offers as well, which is really cool.
That's the whole game is that this whole business, it's for the learning animals. Okay. So you're constantly learning, they're constantly learning. It's like win, win. You want to identify problems that you can help people solve something that you love researching, you love reading about, because obviously you're going to be learning about this and talking about this a lot, okay?
And you want to look at market demand, you want to make sure that there are other creators out there, other people selling services or products or anything pertaining to this topic. Industry. And I want you to think about how you can do it differently. Look at what other people are doing and think to yourself, how would I do it?
What would be my flavor? What would be my voice? What would be my style? I want you to think about how you could do it differently. Okay. So your first two weeks are going to be figuring out what is it that you are doing.
Empathy Marketing Foundations
Then the next phase that we're going to get into is the phase of what I call empathy marketing the foundations the groundwork for empathy marketing.
And this is the deep dive the consumer psychology like the reflection that this is the deep work. I'm becoming an excellent communicator and marketer to do this at the center of everything we do we need to get crystal clear on our person on our human and empire we call them our main character client okay so the one person that you that represents thousands of people behind them who are just like them.
Who you want to work with, who you would love to work with, who you want to help the most. Because of course, as a career coach, I could help people at any stage in their career. But what made more sense for me? I was 30 years old, so I wanted to help people in their 20s. And, I had an international career, so I wanted to help people all around the world.
It's often going to be reflected in your journey, and the groups and the subsets of things that you make up of and that you're part of, whether it be, your gender, your sexual orientation, it could be your location, it could be your age, it could be, naturally, because of the like me bias in psychology, people who are like you will gravitate towards you anyway.
Okay, so there will be a person, it could be demographic factors like that. The other thing that could attract in the right people is that you've had a shared experience somehow. So for example, like if I had launched my business while becoming a mom, I might attract in a lot of people who are about to be moms, who are, recent moms, et cetera, who want to do this business thing because it's something that I've been through that they can relate to.
So there's also like relatability in there. Whatever it is, it's about taking that niche and really honing in on who this person is, where they're at in their life journey, where they're at psychologically, where they're at demographically, if relevant, like just thinking about all of these things. And not all of these things will be relevant.
Like you don't have to say it's going to be woman, 22 years old, if it's not relevant, if it doesn't need to have that level of detail, but you need to get, be able to be specific enough to say, I want to become a grief coach Transcribed For women who have recently lost their dads, right? Something like that, okay?
So it's about getting clear on who this person is because the examples you use and the stories that you tell are gonna hit so much stronger when it can be more pertinent. If you're a grief coach sharing stories of losing your parents, it's going to land for that person. Whereas if the person you lost was a sibling and you want to work with people who've lost their parents, it's a lot it's shared, okay, sure.
Okay. But it's less targeted. So get so clear on this person. Get obsessed with them. Who are they? What are they thinking? What are they, they want this so bad. So why aren't they doing it? What's holding them back? What are their fears? What are, how are they shit talking themselves? What are their doubts?
What are their, what's going on for them? Where are they at? What does that, how does that feel? What emotions do they feel every single day being in the situation that they're in and so on. And you're going to talk to this person. You're going to identify them. You're going to research the hell out of them.
And then so that they become real, you're going to speak to people like this. You're going to actually speak to them and do market research calls and voice notes and just get in touch with these people. And you're going to listen. Okay. So you're going to become obsessed with this person.
And then based on what they told you, you're going to literally custom design and offer matches your expertise and your experience, of course. But also. Everything that they told you, the themes and patterns around their biggest problems, what they need solved, why they need it solved, all of these kinds of things, okay?
So you are going to custom design and even co create, because you're going to go back to them and say, hey, how do you think this looks, and that kind of thing. Zero selling, I'm just talking about developing the offer right now, to people who've literally told you that's what they want and that's what they need.
And then in this phase, you're also going to develop your personal brand that helps you become that person's leader. So your personal brand, it's not about you and the, what you had for breakfast and, vlogging your kids or anything like that. We're not influencers. Your personal brand. Is about being able to be a leader that stands for something that is the leader of a mission of a movement with clear beliefs and values and you've got a community rallying around that.
Okay, so you're the one who says it, you're the one who puts the convictions out there, you're the one who tells the stories, you're the one who shares what you need to do and why. But you do it in a way that it's aligned to your values, it's aligned to your beliefs, it's aligned to your personality and so you get people rallying around you who get it.
And so you're gonna share the parts of you and curate your personal brand because your personal brand isn't all of you, right? I am not gonna show up online and talk about, share private details of my husband or, tell you the name of my daughter or I'm not gonna do that. It's not helpful to you, it's not of interest, it's my private life you don't have to give away every single part of you.
But the parts of me that might be relevant and most helpful or interesting to you, there'll be this beautiful overlap and I can curate that and show up against that. Okay. And it's not about it being fake. It is very real. But it's about, for example, like when I'm talking about purpose and business and the possibilities, like the visionary side of me comes out and I am like, I can see the future and I can see your potential and I can help you reverse engineer how to get that.
Like I'm just like so good at being able to look at you and be like, Oh, it makes total sense. Here's how you're going to get your first million dollars online. Like it's just so clear for me. And but I don't talk about this stuff to my mom, so it's like the parts of it is real. That is part of me, but it's like the parts of you best.
Are like a best amplified, let's say to be this person's leader. Okay, so you're going to create your empathy marketing game plan with your human at the center And i'm giving you six weeks for this because you do have to do the market research. You need to hop on calls with people Etc, etc. So that's Getting super clear on your market research on who your human is that's designing the offer So typically it's going to be like an 8 to 12 week offer so that we can price it at a nice high ticket coaching You Price point, right?
One to one offer helping people to get a specific result. So for example, if you're a job search coach, you might have to go through, landing your personal branding and then translating that into resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn, and then networking techniques, and then interview prep. And so it's going to be at least an eight to 12 week program, right?
So you want to really design. A high value offer. We're not designing like 60 downloadables that chat GPT has written. Okay. We're not doing that. And then the personal brand strategy around, what's your movement? What's your mission? Articulate it, give it a tagline. Okay. It's like that dude from Netflix.
What does that thing? I will teach you to do, to be rich or whatever. Ramit Sethi. That's right. He's the financial educator and like his movement tagline is live your rich life. And what that means in terms of living your rich life is that being rich means different things to different people. Like for a lot of people, they have different.
Baseline needs and different costs of living. And and different things that really matter to them. Like some people will feel rich if they have a massage and get their nails done, other people will feel rich if they can work 20 hours instead of 40, because they spend more time with their kids.
Like being rich means different things to different people. And that's his whole movement, right? Live your rich life. And so that's the way he does it. And that's the way he shapes his financial education. That's what happens when you start building a really strong personal brand and community, is you're able to create a movement.
And so you want to be intentional with that from the get go and start having people in your community who fall in love with the way you do things. They want to do it with you because they want to do it your way. Okay, it's very values driven. Now the next step, you might think that I'm going to say, okay, now we've got to pull out the phone and start creating content, but not quite yet.
Developing Your Trust Funnel
So for the next four weeks, I want you to build out your trust funnel. There's a gap between top of funnel, which is content, visibility, traffic, like short form videos or just social media content, free social media content. You've got top of funnel. Then you've got bottom of funnel right down the bottom, which is actually enrolling in your program.
What most people neglect is middle of funnel. And this is where a lot of automated trust building and nurturing happens. And so in your trust funnel, I want you to build that out before you press play on your content. Why? Because every piece of content that goes out, I want it working for you. I want every piece of content you post to have the potential to build your email list.
Because your email list is yours. You own that and it is the most powerful asset that you have. Like a hundred people on your email list is probably equivalent to a thousand followers on Instagram or ten thousand therefore on TikTok. Okay, so it's like that much more in depth and potent, the people who are on your email list.
And so what you want to do is build out this funnel so that you're not trying to like post content with clients, build a funnel, like you want to build the funnel first so that you can turn your content machine on. on and have it working for you and within the trust funnel you want to it's like like having a little digital clone of you as an intern because it's keeping in touch with people and it's all automated so you want to create a really incredible freebie an incredible lead magnet that speaks to the first step of this person's journey or gives them a really great high level overview of the exact steps they need to take and it's actionable it's implementable like it can be a workbook it can be An ebook, it could be a mini course.
It could be a tutorial. It could be a toolkit. There are many different kinds of freebies. It really depends on Your person where they're at in their journey, your niche, all sorts of different things Okay, but you want to create a great freebie that you offer in exchange for their email address Once they grab that freebie you want to trigger what I call your newbie sequence, which is your welcome email sequence Now this is a series of 11 emails Specifically designed to onboard this human into your world.
So just say, once every five days, they will receive an email from you, rolling out the red carpet and saying, Hey, this is who we are, this is what we believe in. Hey, I know you're going through this big thing. Hey, here's one of our core convictions. Hey. And it's everything you need them to know in a welcome sequence and an onboarding sequence so that if that's still around by the end of that.
They are your people and they love to hear from you, and they love to hear your stories, and they're forming a relationship with you. They're building more trust with you. Okay, so you want to build that out so that's happening, so every single person who grabs your freebie is also receiving these emails from you for a period of one to two months.
That keeps the relationship warm while that sort of initial momentum is there. They found you, they like your stuff, they've just grabbed your freebie. Imagine if you just ghost them. No. Keep the conversation flowing. And it's all automated. You don't have to do anything extra. And then within that automation, you're asking, you're inviting them to the DMs to chat to you, or you're inviting them to hop on a strategy call.
And speaking of strategy calls, these are not sales calls. Sales calls are something different. Strategy calls are a technique that I teach within Empire Era for real beginners, for people who aren't established coaches yet with booked out calendars and booked out waitlists and things like that. And it's just this beautiful exchange of actually being able to give them a strategy session and a coaching session, which we design and make it super easy, but just 30 minutes.
And it's just a beautiful taster of working together. And then if it feels like an awesome fit and the vibes you can totally say, Hey. This is what I do. Would you like to work with me? And you can see what they say, but otherwise for you, it's like amazing market research and connecting with people.
And honestly, if it's not now, like they'll remember being treated like this and they'll remember working with you and they'll come back when they are ready. And so it's this beautiful moment that you can also add into your trust funnel to like completely detach from sales. But obviously, ironically, it creates sales for you because people love the experience so much.
But it's about getting people connecting and that trust being built. Especially when you don't have a big audience yet and people are wondering, is this person for real? So we build out your trust funnel, okay? So over these four weeks, I want you to design and develop your freebie. I want you to write your email automation sequence and that can have topics like, welcome to the community, this is who we are, this is what we can do, you can cover major mistakes they're making, major myths they believe one of your big brand beliefs, a big conviction you hold, you can tell one of your big turning point stories we obviously have a full, detailed structure.
Within empire era, but you get the point It's that kind of communication onboarding them into your world and then design a strategy goal Give them a taster of working with you. It could be an audit. It could be you know It could be a little workshop. It could be helping them to identify and build a custom plan for something Okay So build a 30 minute strategy session which you are happy to give away for free just to connect with people and then The bonus is that at the end?
You'll say, Hey, by the way, would you like to work with me? A lot of people will start saying yes. Okay.
Content Creation Strategy
Then once this is all designed, built, ready to roll, we turn on your content machine. And for this, I want to give you the biggest chunk of time of this 26 week roadmap. I'm going to give you 12 weeks. 12 weeks to research, develop and write exceptional content.
I want you to start posting very quickly. Maybe you'll give yourself a week or two max to actually research, develop and write your first content pieces, but you're going to start posting and you're going to go from there. And you're going to make sure that over these next 12 weeks, like I want you to be posting essentially for two months straight, two months straight, just building your audience.
Without any expectation. And I want you to make sure we're in your content mix when you're thinking about your content strategy and when you're thinking about, therefore, the types of content that exist within your content strategy. I want to make sure that you have a nice mix of content that gives you visibility and growth, content that gives you authority.
Okay, so that's your storytelling, spicy convictions, thought leadership. I want you to include content that triggers an emotional connection. So it could be pep talks, mindset shifts, perspective shifts, calling them out, tough love. And then content that sells. And selling isn't saying, Hey, buy my product for 97.
Selling can be like, Hey, this is me and this is why, work with, this is what it looks like to work with me. Or this is what I do different. It's you're differentiators. This is why my methodology is what it is. This is why I've structured my program how I've structured it. This is, what to expect when you work with me.
Okay? So it's why you? Why this? Why should I be interested? And as a side quest, so you're gonna be hugely focused on content for the next, for these 12 weeks, but as a side quest, as I said, you'll be list building, you'll be having conversations, you'll be replying to every comment, replying to every DM, you're going to be messaging people when they follow you off the back of this highly aligned content.
Remember, you're speaking to one person right now. So it's like when you're off the back of this highly aligned content, every person that follows you off the back of that, I want you to strike up a conversation with them. They've come into your world. They've seen your stuff. They're interested. They've hit follow, get to know them.
And I'm not talking about selling right now. I'm talking about get to know them, have conversations. But between these conversations and between your strategy calls and between your content, usually the system starts to click into place where you have the opportunity, if you want to start working with beta clients.
So that's either free or low paid clients who are paying a small percentage of your final price when you actually launch your program. And in exchange, you might do like just a module or a phase of your program or half the program or just like a light version of your program. There are lots of different ways to work with beta clients.
But what you'll do is you will work with them in exchange for testimonials, feedback, and you'll start building up your social proof. You'll be able to hop onto Instagram stories and say, Hey, this is what I talk to my client about, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Okay, so it's about building up that brand equity.
Executing Your First Launch
And then for the final six weeks of the 26 weeks, so you're 20 weeks in, I want you to focus on pulling off your first launch. So a launch typically, so you're still going to be posting content throughout this time. A launch typically takes three weeks to execute, but I will give myself at least three weeks to prepare it too.
So you want to spend three weeks preparing your launch. There are many ways to do a launch. One example that I love Is a 60 minute live workshop for example and so you'll go live you'll deliver a workshop you'll have people on there and you walk them through your process your signature framework mistakes I'm making what to do instead like it's.
Easier than it sounds. How many presentations have you had to give, right? It's like pulling together a handful of slides and chatting to people and people will be in the chat and you can be like, what do you think? And what do you think? Drop this word below. It can be super interactive, really fun.
Okay. So that's just one option, but you'll need to design your event. And then you want to. Create launch specific content and some launch specific emails that you're going to send out as well. Okay. So you want to prepare that launch and then you want three weeks to really pull it off.
And what I mean by that is typically you're going to be essentially building hype for the live event for a couple of weeks. You run the live event. There's a replay period. And then after that, you will sell directly for a week, which is literally like doors are open to my program. This is how you can apply.
This is how you can enroll. And in your launch, if you have it's just basically a massive visibility, massive marketing campaign, right? If you have five people sign up to your full price program at 2, 000, that's your first 10, 000 a month. If you have three people sign up at 1, 500, that's 4, 500. That's incredible, right?
That's incredible. You're already making thousands of dollars. And if you have a more like higher positioned program, that maybe has some done for you elements in it. Just say it's like a sort of hybrid coaching slash done for you sales page, for example, right? Sales page building. Yeah.
And it's 5, 000. If five people sign up to that's 25k. There's no number of magic followers as such. It's about the heat of your audience. Have you built trust with them? Has your content hit them? Has it made them feel something? It's the attractiveness of your offer. It's the pricing of your offer, of course.
But for a lot of people, if they made 10 grand in one month, that would out earn their corporate salary. I have a very talented client who I'm thinking about right now who lives in Europe and she's working in tech and she has a great job and she's making 3, 500 euros per month. So if you made 10, 000 USD in one month, Like that would be enough for someone like that to be like, you know what?
I believe in myself. I'm going to go in full time. So it can happen. It's not crazy. It's a lot of work and it's it is a lot, obviously is possible for sure. It's possible.
So that's an overview of the roadmap. Now, if you have any specific questions about something that I've shared here today, come and see me at DM.
My inbox is open, at badassempires underscore, come and find me. And hopefully this gives you clarity of the overall structure and process into pulling this off, and the order in which I recommend. Everything makes sense, like you can't develop a great offer until you've done your niche and empathy marketing work, and then you can't know your content pillars until you know what you're selling, because otherwise you're going to be posting content about things that don't align to what you're eventually selling, therefore you'll wonder why no one's buying it all makes sense.
And again, the Empire era waitlist is going to close very soon. We're going to open doors very soon. And if you're even slightly curious about making this investment into yourself, into your future via Empire era, I would be on that waitlist because I will be contacting the waitlist only about some incredible opportunities that won't be available publicly once I actually launch publicly.
Join the waitlist if that is of interest to you, and otherwise, keep building that empire, badass, do your thing, follow your purpose, this is possible for you, keep the momentum high, it's all of those tiny little actions that you're making every day that add up into This momentum and the snowball effect that will change your life.
If you do it the badass way. Okay, I've done this three times now with three different businesses and if I lost everything tomorrow, I know I could do it again. It just works. Okay, it just works. Take my. Seven years of experience and three businesses later and just follow the road map. You'll be good All right And until then can't wait to have you listening to the next episode and please come and say hi over an Instagram Would love to have a chat with you.