Today, we're going to be talking about something that is very counterintuitive. It is, and will always be, a bit of a mindfuck to me. But with my lived experience and experience of working with hundreds, thousands of people.
Our Strange Relationship with Money
So we're going to be talking about Our strange relationship with money today, and one of the biggest subconscious fears that I have seen operating inside people, especially high achievers, that are holding them back in business, that are making it really hard for them to charge the price they want to charge, make the sales they want to make, and receive the success that they are creating for themselves.
Because time and time again, it's been incredible. To witness people's experience around business going really well and then them completely sabotaging it like I have a client in mind who Really struggled with the idea of increasing prices, which is fair enough. There's a lot in that So we made the offer really valuable really amazing but essentially She went from charging like around 500 for 20 sessions with her, to 1, 200 for three calls and voice note support.
So quite a big shift. And as soon as it was launched and put out there publicly and validated, as in several people invested in it, There was a massive sabotage flow coming in where it was almost like, I want to escape. I want to burn this to the ground. I will make it so existing in the space and having the success and actually enjoying this experience is going to be really difficult.
And I get it. It's really strange to go from being told your whole life that Money is really hard to earn and to come by and then you're this grade or this profession and therefore, or this age and therefore you should only earn X and that's it. And like there being so many rules about how much we can earn and why, to those rules being drastically reduced or removed entirely, the glass ceiling being taken away and you being able to create a sense of limitless income potential.
Like it doesn't mind fuck, of course. But it's interesting at the root cause level, what's going on and why so many people will start to subconsciously push success away or have a taste of it and then it all falls down or, they're super excited for the vision and they want it, but then they end up stuck in a plateau for many years.
They just can't seem to break through the upper limit. It's like they have a level that they're allowed to get to. And if they exceed that level. The self sabotage comes up and it's not the fear of failure. It's another fear that I have in mind. So I'm gonna have a conversation today around how fear impacts the money that we make.
What this specific fear is, because I've got one example, there are a lot of fears, a lot of things going on at the subconscious level when it comes to money in particular, like it's just such a funny topic. It's very to do. There's a lot of trauma around it. There are a lot of. rules around how it gets to exist, burnt into people's brains by society.
And this specific fear that I have in mind, it's really, this there's something very personal around it for me, because I personally dealt with this and. I'm getting personal here because this fear that I have in mind, it can and has affected, it's affected my marriage. It's affected lots of different things.
The Brain's Role in Financial Fear
So let's just do a little bit of context setting around how, what we think, what we believe, what we tell ourselves, the doubts we carry, the fears we have, how that actually translate into impacting our business revenue at a very practical standpoint, directly impacting the number in the bank account. So we know that our brain's job is to keep us safe, right?
Both physically and psychologically. We know that we are hardwired for survival. So our brain has evolved with a very heavy bias towards threat, towards negativity. Because pleasure is nice, being happy is cool, but what's most important is being able to scan and pick up on risk. So it's constantly scanning for physical and psychological threats that could hurt us and could put us in danger anyway.
And because of the way the brain works, whether that is psychological danger, that fear that feeling of hurt, of rejection, or physical danger, it actually acts very similarly in that it can evoke a fight, flight, or freeze response, okay? So if you're doing scans of people's brains, If, you put someone in a corner and humiliate them and mock them and make them feel pain, the same centers of the brain will light up as if you have physically, hurt them, punch them, hit them.
It's all very much intertwined. And that's not ideal for business, where you take risks, you face uncertainty, you face judgment, you move away from existing bonds and relationships at times, that sense of belonging, that sense of social group and in group. Being in group is very important, has been very important for survival.
And you put yourself out there publicly, which means that you could experience things like shame and you face rejection as entrepreneurs. We are rejected a lot. A lot of people reject us, whether that's, potential clients, whether that's the concept of rejection, more loosely in that. Yeah, you might have thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people following you.
And. A few hundred, maybe become your clients. It can feel like, Oh that wasn't enough or I wasn't enough for all of those other people. Like it's easy for our brain to make shortcuts and make meaning out of things that it really doesn't have to, because it's seeking out this danger. It wants to flag danger to us.
It wants to flag the risks to us. And so our brain doesn't necessarily share the same agenda as we do. It will protect the concept of comfort and familiarity over things like happiness and pleasure and fulfillment any day because, hey, at least with the status quo, at least right here in your comfort zone, you're alive.
Consciously, you might say to yourself, I really want to start a podcast. That might be a genuine, conscious desire of yours. But subconsciously, where over 98 percent of our thoughts live in the subconscious level, there's going to be a range of negative thoughts, okay? Because starting a podcast is new, it's change, it's a step away from status quo, it's a step away from current identity, right?
And your brain will start shit talking you. To try to keep you safe, try to keep you where you are. So the fears, the doubts, the limiting beliefs will be ro running the show to keep you from change, to keep you from pain. So it's gonna tell you things like you've never done that before. You don't have the time to do something like that.
Oh, you have a funny accent. You're gonna be really hard to understand. Oh, it's not going to work for you. Oh, podcasts, that market is so saturated. Oh you're not technically minded. How are you going to edit it? Oh, and by the way, what microphone should you buy and what, and completely overwhelm you on the tech side of things, right?
All of these things will start happening. So you say to yourself. I want to start a podcast. That's the intention. But at the subconscious level, at the level of belief, of the thoughts, of the stories that you're telling yourself, your brain might actually be saying something to you like, Oh, but you're so bad at tech stuff, though.
Like, how would you ever be able to pull that off? Now, whatever you think, whatever you believe, Will trigger an area of the brain called the reticular activating system which seeks out confirmation bias It's like seeking out evidence that yes, you're right. Our brains love to be right So that will go and find all of the evidence that is true.
It's the same area of the brain You know that for example You call your kid a certain name and then suddenly you notice all of the kids that have that name as well kind of thing. It's like suddenly you see that name everywhere. It's like when something, when a thought, when a concept, when an idea becomes in your brain, it's becomes important to you.
This area of the brain is seeking out things that are familiar, similar, Yes, you're right, yes it just finds, it it literally impacts the things you remember, the things you pick up on you could be having two different conversations and you could overhear and really focus, on, on someone with that name.
Like, all of these things will be backed up by your brain. So it's if you believe that you're bad at techie stuff, you're gonna notice, and remember, and pay attention to, and just pick up on the fact that every time you find tech overwhelming or difficult, it will just be so present. The evidence will be continuously collected.
And so the things that we believe, the thoughts that we have, the stories we're telling ourselves, and the fact that's being reinforced, auto reinforced by our brain, that impacts the action that you take. Because our brains are energy conserving machines, right? They don't want to. Waste precious energy on unnecessary action or things that aren't going to result in something that benefits us because why would it right?
Especially the area of our brain that requires High levels of executive function high levels of decision making planning goal setting strategic thinking all those kinds of things that takes a huge Amount of energy for the brain and so your brain will protect that energy. And so if subconsciously The story that is floating around your brain is you're bad at tech, this is never going to work for you to start a podcast.
It's going to show up in the real world through your actions and your behaviors. So you will be trapped in analysis paralysis, you will be indulging in procrastination, you will be wasting disproportionate amounts of time seeking out other people's opinions, you will be researching nonstop, all of these tech tools, like there'll be a lot of unhelpful behavior happening.
And then the result of that action and that behavior is that you will feel overwhelmed. You're going to put off starting the podcast. It's you'll be in freeze mode. It's just all a bit much. And then that result or lack of result will reinforce. The belief, the thought, the story that you had all along.
It's another piece of evidence. And so at this level, I want us to really understand this concept that the fears, the beliefs, the negative thoughts and stories we tell ourselves have a massive impact on our real life, our real world and our business results. Okay, so our internal thoughts create our physical reality in a lot of ways because it impacts your action and your behaviors and the moves that you make.
And we will always feel fear. We will always have doubts. That's not going to stop. We can't stop that happening. But what we do in the work that we do when we work on mindset topics is that we can to teach you how to create a healthier relationship with that fear and that stress response and to move through it faster.
And to bring awareness to the ways that your brain is shit talking you so that you're able to push forward through the fear and take action in alignment with your true vision and your highest self anyway.
The Fear of Success
So with that very important context laid down, let's get into one of the biggest fears that I very rarely see people talking about.
And it's the one that will probably shock you the most, but it's the one that very actively pushes success and money away when people don't realize that they have this. And it's the fear of success. So most people think that the fear that will trip you up in starting a business is fear of failure. It's not gonna work.
It won't work for me. But fear of success is a lot more dangerous, and it's really this dark horse. I know it can seem very illogical, but the brain isn't always logical, as I'm sure to fear what you say you want. To fear success. To fear money. But if we think about it, This is deeply tied to rejection and losing people you love, because from an evolutionary standpoint, being different was always unsafe.
Being out group, not in group, could kill you. You could be ostracized. You could be left alone. You could be pushed out. And if you're pushed out, you don't eat, you don't have privileges that help survival, It's a less advantageous position, and physically, caveman days, think about it, if you head out on your own.
In the cold, all alone, not having the people around you to support hunting and gathering and all of the roles that are needed in a community, you would die. It's just so ingrained into our mind to like people and connect. With people who are similar to us, who have similar backgrounds or similar values, there's that like me bias.
And when we're talking about the kind of success you can unlock in the entrepreneurial world, it's very different to the status quo. You could be saying I want this money, I want the success, I want a different life I'm gonna live very differently to most people, I want change. This fear at the subconscious level of you're gonna move away from everything you know, you're gonna move away from your social bonds because you're gonna be different, you're gonna make yourself different.
That's a very dangerous concept for our brain. And even myself, five years in to starting, like with the Badass Careers journey and everything, like quite a seasoned wee entrepreneur. I suppose it's four years in when I started Badass Empires. I was terrified of starting Badass Empires because I knew that in order to explain how successful my business had become, and it's a business, so there are revenues and there is profit, and I would share my revenue numbers.
And maybe you could say, oh, you don't have to, but I don't know, I find it a little bit tough being like, trust me, it's good. Yeah trust me, I'm good at business. And part of me just also valued that transparency. Like I wanted to share that, like the difference between yeah, trust me, it's going quite well and yeah.
Okay. So like in year three of my business, I made a million dollars in revenue. Follow along. It's a different, it's a different energy. And I had never shared with my parents, with my siblings, with some of my closest friends. Childhood friends, let alone any acquaintances, how much money I make. I also don't provide a lot of signals, I think, external signals, that it's silly money, right?
It's we have our electric vehicle and we go back to France every year, but the things that we're into, like values wise, I'm just not going to be spending my money on very expensive things. I had a lot of mindset stuff to work through yet again when it came to money because it's hard, right?
Like it is hard when everyone your age is talking about the fact that life is expensive and the cost of living is ridiculous and like the hopelessness of the economy right now, how hard it is to find a job right now and just saying like I'm never going to be able to own a home, I can't get ahead. And meanwhile and you've grown up with these people and you've come from a very similar background and that absolutely could and should be you.
And instead, you know that, you've paid your million dollar home off. Even in that small example, can you see how you lose your ability to bond? To vent. To get it. Yeah, me too. It's really important. And it can be really scary thinking like, what if I change, or what if I don't relate to my friends anymore, or my family anymore, or they view me as a different version of myself what if this changes me?
It's scary. And this upper limit threshold, it's oh yeah Okay, so I'm allowed to pay myself 500k per year, but no way can I pay myself more than that because that's just getting stupid. That's when I'm going to, turn into Elon Musk. Everyone will have a limit that is holding them back.
And if they approach that limit, and often it's honestly like a lot lower, right? And if they approach that limit and they start really taking off, they will often sabotage and. Put things into play that keep them playing small. And again, all of this is happening at the subconscious level or overcomplicate things or just make the money harder to flow your way.
So if you're someone who wonders that, maybe you also would struggle with the fear of success. And like mine was. heightened because I have this self made like chip on my shoulder around, coming from nothing and struggling financially and coming from that constant battle and poverty around money.
There was also a sense of my identity and a sense of myself pride around Oh, but I, if I'm not the scrappy, One who had, everything working against her and overcame that and made it work and pulled it off who am I as well? If I'm not the one who did it on hard mode and still pulled it off, who am I?
Is it an achievement? I had a lot to unpack around the ease that can come with money. And the achievements feeling less real because it becomes this virtuous cycle. Of course, the more money you have, the more support you can hire, the more time you have to make more money. Yeah. And also a huge amount of guilt.
How fucking unfair is that? That certain people get to unlock that life. And there's also a lot of privilege. Everyone has privilege. Even in ancestry yes I have Maldi ancestry, but I'm, obviously, mostly, white and white passing, and even that, in and of itself everyone is carrying some form of immense privilege in some way.
So you start feeling really weird about things undeserving, a bit guilty for being the one that hacked the system, and at the same time, I always think about, because my mom's been a cleaner her whole life, and I always think about can sit here and say Oh, I work so hard, but I'm sitting at a desk recording a podcast right now, it's not quite cleaning people's toilets, is it? It's not quite working two jobs and doing the night shift at a factory to keep your family afloat. There's hard work and then there's hard work. And, There's just a lot wrapped up in this conversation. It is really heavy. So like how come that gets to be me?
But then at the same time when I'm working with my clients who are taking their skills from work where they've been earning 50 grand and they use those exact same skills via my programs and via my coaching to then amplify that to 500k that feels amazing as well. Cause I'm like, now I can help you like also do this and hack the system and leverage the internet to have a wider impact and therefore make more money.
But still it's a lot, right? If it helps, here are a couple of anchor thoughts that really ground me and helped me with this conversation around success actually being really scary and this fear of being lonely as well. So something that helped me, especially when I knew that I was going to have to share money and numbers and figures via badass empires, is really this belief in this mantra almost, that the people who love me.
Will be like all they'll be will be proud of me and happy for me because if they feel any kind of way that's Negative about me either it's projection and there's something deeper going on for them, which is also okay I get it. Everyone's got like a work in progress, but it's not about me or Maybe they don't really love me or they don't really matter Right?
It's just releasing the fact that the people who, who want the best for me will just be like, Slay. You're doing amazingly. Even if it can generate complex feelings.
So just holding that belief that I actually like what other people think of me as none of my business. And even if the people that I love feel some kind of way at the end of the day, they might feel that for a moment. They may feel that might be in the mix of how they feel. The people who really love me, the core of it, they're going to be proud of me and happy for me.
And just having to believe that, because you actually can't control what other people think and feel, and at some point you need to release it. The other thought that really grounds me is moving from feeling selfish, because that's how, that's the default association, greed, selfish, with money, to feeling selfless.
Because part of the reason I want to have this level of financial success, and so many of my clients do, It's never ever in my world anyway, do my clients say to me, I want to make a fuck ton of money so that I can buy cuter clothes, a cute handbag I bought a cute handbag when I made a million in revenue and year three of my business, but I'm not judging, but that's never the first reason it's always I want more time and with that time and with that freedom I'm going to be a healthier person.
My wellbeing, my emotional wellbeing is going to be, I'm going to become a better person and therefore a better friend, a better partner, a better parent, right? Like when I can afford healthy meal box deliveries and personal training sessions and private therapy, I know that it completely changes the way that I navigate life.
I have more energy. More connection, more confidence, and in that supporting me to be my best self, I'm actually a much better person to be around. And I'm a more spacious, generous human that has the energy to help others as well. Linked to this, another thought that really helps is actually I can share in my success.
You can't share in your success and you can't, like financially speaking, when you are in survival mode. But when things feel more in overflow, you can do things like shouting your friends away for a girls only staycation, or, paying for your mum's groceries every week, or, surprising one of your parents by paying off their mortgage balance, or making sure that your parents don't have to keep working past retirement age.
Like, when money starts to become, we can always use more money, but when money really becomes quite comfortable, you also get to share in it. There's more than enough and you can make really cool values aligned decisions in that way, both within your ecosystem and also externally with charities, with associations, with causes that you care about.
And a lot of the people that work with me have so much heart and they feel guilty sometimes, not being affordable to every single person, but it's having high prices that The work that you're doing being valued and being a premium positioning. It's in that financial overflow with those people that you have the spaciousness and the energy and the capacity to give more support for free via your content.
And also to be in a position where you're like, Hey yeah, I'll do that workshop for free for that association. Yeah, I'll work with this high school. In a low decile area and do something, do a program with the teens on career direction. And it's actually really hard to be giving at that level when you're not good.
Like when you are hustling and scrappy and trying to make it work and trying to piece things together. So like good people having money often has a really strong ripple effect. And then there's also the dynamic and I'm going to bring this up because I've had questions about it from clients.
Navigating Financial Success in Relationships
It's not necessarily my default thought or something that really played on my mind, but I know in a lot of dynamics and a lot of couples, there's also this thing around out earning your husband quite significantly or your partner quite significantly. But whether it's like a classic like hit relationship or not, I think in any relationship when there's earning disparity, obviously it can trigger conversations, right?
It's okay, how are we going to navigate this? And so I've been asked about this. How do I manage this relationship in this conversation with my husband? And the way I view it is that we're a team. If I have more money, and eventually, therefore, more time, I can support him in different ways than I could if we had less money and less time.
Again, it's that feeling like actually making as much money as possible is good for more than just me. It's not selfish, it's selfless, right? And what I would say here is that you just need to make sure that you're really aligned on your shared life vision as to what you would do with the money. The disagreements that I've seen have come from different money values versus the actual amount of money.
For example, we both wanted to pay off the mortgages of our main home and our beach home. We had about 1. 8 million dollars worth of mortgages. We are 1. 2 million down, we've got 600k to go, as at the time of recording. And both of us, not just me, but both of us contributed as much of our saving potential as possible towards those goals over the past few years.
So as much as he could, and as much as I could. Which was, Significantly more than he could. And he's got a great job. But it's just that I earn great money by my business. From this point, and at the level that we're at, we had to have another conversation and say, Hey, actually, this size of mortgage is really standard and really average.
And I'm actually feeling like I'd like to have more fluid money now. More fluid cash flow for more personal projects. I need to help my parents out with some stuff. I need to sort some financial situations there. Plus, I want to be able to do things like surprise, and I'm just going to ruin the surprise if I say it in case they're listening, but surprise a family member with an experience for a very important birthday, or, look at renovating our house and potentially upgrading our car to something with longer range or whatever.
We don't have it all figured out, but that conversation of Hey, I want to go from being so serious with every single dollar going towards that project. I actually want to keep that mortgage. Loosen the cash up and focus on more personal improvement projects that impact family more so or other things that I want to spend money on.
That conversation was really important that we saw it the same way and that we generally agree on the direction and how it benefits us as a family or the wider ecosystem. Now I'm not talking about my donations and things like that because that's a completely different area of my budget via my business, like I'm very much talking about the money I pay myself.
And then I will also personally keep a personal proportion of my money just for me. And if I want to use that money to shut us on a holiday that he couldn't naturally afford with his corporate salary savings, or if I want to buy great gifts for people, or if I want to spend 200 per week on private poll lessons for myself, for example I will.
And I don't ask anyone's permission to do so it's really important that I have my portion. So I would recommend that you decide, on the proportion of income that, if this takes off and I'm earning X, Y, Z, that portion of income that you're excited to contribute directly to family projects versus, and like values aligned family spending versus.
What you want to keep for you so that you can also enjoy out earning, put, for example, your previous corporate salary or, the average person at your age, your level in your profession. I would also say it's really important for money not to impact your relationship to acknowledge your partner for all the other things.
So my husband is so much better than I am at running the household. He spends all day with our daughter, for example. He's off work raising our daughter. Like it's so important to recognize the things that they bring to the team because that allows me to work and make the money. And that contribution is potentially measured differently by society, but it's critical and it's more important, just as important, more important than what I'm doing.
So it could be the time that they save you. It could be the way that they build your confidence and make you feel unstoppable, which has a beautiful positive effect on your business. It could be the way that they are always cheerleading you and so supportive whenever you create your content. I just feel it's very important to acknowledge the roles that they play, whether or not it's adding a hundred K to your bank account, or, maybe they're raising your daughter nine to five while you, like I do.
So in terms of impacting my marriage and my relationship, just keeping these things in mind to not make it weird. I'm not better than my husband. I'm not more important just because I'm making more money. It's just exhilarating our life projects. And of course there's going to be a link there as well.
That's appreciated because I started this business because it facilitates our marriage and that we can live between New Zealand and France. And so there is this system of understanding. Now, it's not plain sailing. We do have very different values in some ways when it comes to money my husband would prefer that I worked a lot less and made a lot less to spend more time together and have, days off during the week and, wouldn't it be great if we both just worked part time and that kind of thing?
And that's a conversation that we're navigating because that's not necessarily, My dream like I love what I do of course, I'd you know love to work like for me I think it's like maybe 30 to 40 hours not 15 to 20. Like I genuinely Enjoy that sometimes it's not perfectly aligned But as long as we can, you know reach an agreement generally about how quickly we want goals to happen So it's okay cool.
So if you want work to be optional, you know by 40 You This is what it might look like, but by 45, we could have this, and this instead. So it's just always keeping that, that line of communication open. And then the other big thing I think that really helps me around fear of success and this money bullshit and that I'm going to change and that, whatever, is that money can't change people.
Only people can change. Money can't put a gun to your head and tell you to be an arrogant asshole now. Money's not in control. You are. Like, the money in banking didn't make you feel lonely. The long working hours with colleagues you didn't even like that much did, for example. A lot of people are like, Oh, I hated that job.
It was good money, but I was miserable. And it's there's this association money makes you miserable. The money's not worth it. No, it's like The other things that caused that feeling. So not blaming money for Making you feel or behave in certain ways like money doesn't have that power I really do think that money can act as an amplifier.
If you're already a shit person money can make you worse and that will make you worse but like money can just amplify what already exists But if you're a good person, it can also amplify that good because it's a tool. It's a tool. And how you spend your money is essentially like how you vote.
Where you invest your money is, you're essentially voting and doing values aligned activities. So I think it could be really good to journal on things like, knowing yourself, like knowing who you are at your core, which actions and behaviors are you scared might change if you have access to more money.
And then for any negative associations that arise, if I have more money, I might become this, or I might do this, or this might happen. I want you to ask yourself is it a hundred percent certain you'll suddenly be like that? Or, could it just be an assumption or a fear? Two very different things.
Do you have rock solid, bullet proof certainty and evidence that you will absolutely become that way? You will there's just no doubt in your mind? Or, Might it be an assumption? Might it be a fear? Might it be not true? And for the ones that, because during you'll be able to start sorting your thoughts in this way and be like, okay, no, there's just no way that will happen.
But you might still have things that you're like, no, I am still worried about that. I want you to ask yourself what can I put in place to ensure that I make decisions and I act in alignment with my values? It could be decision trees. It could be having a soundboard that you speak to before you make major financial decisions.
Whatever it is there someone who can support you, keep you accountable, or is there a process that you can develop? Values based decision making is there something that you can do to make sure that is protected and that doesn't happen? And then I want you to think about what are all of the positive things that might change?
What would the ripple effect be on my loved ones if I had an overflow of money? Like, how good could I be? How generous could I be? How excited could I be in sharing this? And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you only deserve money if you want to share it. Everyone is different and everyone's got their specific needs and phase of life and you may be in a phase of life where you really need to look after yourself and that's also okay.
But, eventually, when you feel good, when you feel safe, what might you do, who might you impact? Just some questions there that will help you realize that probably not gonna change in the ways that you fear, and in fact, if you do change in any way, it'll be a really cool thing for a lot of people.
Conclusion and Call to Action
So I could speak about this for hours, but I think we've had a really good conversation today around the fear of success, around money mindset, around The things that might hold us back that we aren't even aware of yet in entrepreneurship, because it is stepping away from the status quo.
It's not the norm. And so it's going to trigger fear of change, fear of being different. And yep, even really positive things, like having hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account, can really amplify the biggest fears deep, deep inside. It's a big identity thing, and it's a big deservedness thing.
So this is one conversation of many that we could be having on a whole heap of topics. So if you like this kind of conversation around the subconscious, around the psychology, the Around the mindset side of entrepreneurship. Please let me know. You can either share this episode to your stories and tag me.
You could send me a DM, give me some feedback. Let me know. The more I hear from you, the more it guides my direction as to what I am creating. And I am currently figuring out a whole new wave of episodes that I would love your input on. So please let me know. Otherwise my badass keep building that empire of yours.
You've got this. You're incredible. You're a good person with a big heart. And I can't wait to hear about the impact that you're making on the world and all of your inevitable success. Okay, see you. A shit ton of income, crazy impact, a business that you adore. Just by listening to this episode, you are one step closer to your very own badass empire.
Now I want to hear from you. Tag me in your stories or send me a DM over on Instagram. So I can learn what resonated with you most. Oh, and if you're the kind of badass who is willing to help us out big time and take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast, make sure you send us a screenshot of that review at hello at so I can send you a juicy freebie to say, thank you until next time, keep showing up for your future and we'll keep smashing goals in the next episode.