Okay, badass. This conversation might get a little bit spicy. You have been warned. We are going to talk about the difference between the coaches out there making millions of dollars versus the coaches who stay broke. Seven key differences [00:01:00] between the coaches who are amazing people, huge hearts, they want to be coaches, they want to help people, they are doing their best, and yet they are barely making ends meet, or they are staying stuck at the kinds of revenue where they might have been better off at the end of the day being employed in terms of their salaries versus the same people with the same mission who want to help the world, who want to coach people, who want to see people thrive and be their best as well, and They're making millions of dollars.
Both groups of people are great people. They're service-focused. They really love to see other people thrive. They really love to see other people win and achieve their goals. It's the same profession, right? It's the same profession, being a coach. And yet some are able to make silly money from it, and others find it really tough to make it work.
It almost feels like they have to buy into the [00:02:00] starving artist fallacy where, oh, I'm doing work that I love, therefore I have to stay broke. No. This is the whole premise of Badass Empires. Purpose and profit. You don't have to choose. There will be a sweet spot that works best for you and your goals and your desires and your lifestyle and your business model, but it's beyond the threshold of really profitable.
And in fact, in my opinion, The more purposeful and intentional you are, the more profitable you're going to be. So how is it that these people doing the same thing, coaching people, the same profession, for lack of a better word, the same job title, for lack of a better word, how is there such huge discrepancy?
And from what I've seen, being in masterminds, being exposed to very high earning coaches and my coaches, or in the groups that I become part of, [00:03:00] or in my clients, what I've noticed time and time again, is that the major difference isn't necessarily in what they know. It's not about knowledge or expertise.
But very much so who they become or who they're willing to become. It's how they carry themselves. It's in the type of decisions that they make. It's in the actions that they take. And take. This is This entire belief system that they're able to carry, that informs their behaviour, that informs their action taking, really is the make or break.
So I'm going to walk you through these patterns, these themes, that I have picked up on, been exposed to these kinds of people, and doing my damnedest to become. This kind of person who's able to create this really heart-centered business around work that I love and a mission I find so purposeful and [00:04:00] It gives me this immense reward of being ridiculously well paid and me being able to give back to Myself the community my world the larger, concept of the world at large By having incredible money circulating via me and by my mission.
So it's a mission that gets fueled and it fills my cup and I'm able to give more. And it's just a beautiful win purpose and profit. How does it come to be that you can be one of those coaches?
Principle 1: Relentless Commitment to Massive Action
Now, the first principle I would say is this. Relentless commitment to taking massive action. This is one of the biggest levers that you can pull to fast track your success, to be quote-unquote, one of the lucky ones, one of the unicorns.
There's no massive secret behind these people. They don't have a higher IQ than you. They're not smarter [00:05:00] than you. Depends how you define smart, right? Because maybe they're working smarter. They don't have something that you don't, they don't have access to knowledge or information that you don't.
They don't have a book of secrets that you don't have access to. They have this relentless ability to turn information into implementation. Massive action is a phrase, it's a term that means acting consistently until you get what you want, no matter what. It means there's no such thing as failure. It's just uncertain as to exactly when the goal will be hit, but it absolutely will be hit.
It's approaching it with the belief that is absolutely going to happen for you. Because so often when we think about trying to achieve a goal, we're already anticipating failure. We're already expecting that it's not going to work. We're always already planning. What am I going to do if it fails? What am I going to do when it doesn't work out?
It's like before we even start, we're asking ourselves, At what [00:06:00] point should I give up on this? And a client asked me, how do I know when I went to call it? How do I know when to say, Hey, it's not working. And I'm like, what does that even mean? Because. There's absolutely a practical layer of at what point have I used my savings and I might start thinking, Oh, okay.
I could do a bit of consulting or pick up on a part-time gig because it's taking longer than expected. But for me, I'm like, what do you mean? When do you call? We're not giving up on this. This is your mission. This is your work. This is your world. This is your purpose embodied.
Like we're making this is an incredibly profitable business idea. Like we're doing it. And it takes time up front, of course, and it takes persistence, but it will work. It absolutely is going to happen. Because if you're already thinking like that, if you're already thinking to yourself, it's not going to work for me.
It's going to be, it happens for other people, not for me. I'm going to be working on this, but there's a massive chance that it's not going to happen. Oh my [00:07:00] gosh. Like how demotivating. Your brain will do anything to procrastinate, to resist working on that, like why would your brain, think about it just from a scientific perspective, spend precious energy reserves, like just from a survival perspective, why would it put effort and work And care and heart into something that you're telling it like is a massive gamble.
Oh, I've got no idea if this is going to work. What? That's hard. That's life on hard mode. So massive action doesn't allow for the concept of failure because you don't give up. You keep taking action until you get what you want. So there's no such thing as like, when is this going to work? Or am I going to fail?
No, it's how can I accelerate this working by the action that I take? But it's absolutely going to work. And so it really removes all of this pressure around trying to figure out what's the best thing to do, what's the one way, or am I doing the right thing or am I working on this and then it's not going to work and then it's over.
[00:08:00] You actually don't have to stress about that. You don't need to answer those questions that aren't real questions because you simply keep taking one action after another and getting information and getting data and tweaking if need be until the result happens. And so it's not just, it's not just a question of, this is what every successful person ever says, if you could give any advice, I just keep going.
I failed. I just kept going. Yes, it's that. And if you keep going and doing the same thing over and over again, that's not going to work either. There are plenty of brilliant coaches who aren't earning good money, even though they really deserve to. Because they keep doing the same thing over and expecting the business to change dramatically.
And so of course, that's not going to work either. It is important what kind of action you take, but what can inform the action is also the sort of sense of troubleshooting therefore. Okay. So we've tried this consistently. This is what the data is showing us. And it's really important to be tracking this at every single step of [00:09:00] the process.
So if we look at the sales process, for example. I just say to enrol people in your coaching program, you have sales schools. So they hop on a 30-minute call with you and you walk them through and if it's a fit and then you pitch your program at the end. So at every step along the way, there's data that's interesting to me.
The first one being your conversion rate. How many people of the people who are on these calls? Same, at the end of the call and you, they have the opportunity to hear the pitch. How many, what proportion, what percentage of saying yes, the conversion rate. That's interesting to me. How many people are attending the calls that they've booked?
That's interesting to me. How many people are booking calls? And how many people have had the opportunity to book calls and actually to take action on that, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. When you are working in this way and you're able to see all of these different steps that are leading to a sale, [00:10:00] you can understand which area you want to focus on and tweak and work on.
So for example. 60 per cent of people who have a call with you are saying, yes, I want to work with you. For me, your offer is validated. The market demand is there. People are paying you cold, hard cash. They are extracting money from their savings account to work with you. There is a perception of value in your offer and a perception of trust in you as a coach.
That's great. If you're getting 50 to 60 per cent of people saying, yes, amazing. If you're getting more than that, you might be underpricing yourself or you're a damn good salesperson, but anyway, 50 to 60%, is amazing. If it's a lot lower than that, then we go into the troubleshooting phase of how to increase the value perception.
How are you explaining it? How are you exploring it? Are you focused on the transformation? Are you focused on the benefits? Are you focused on the return on investment? Are you focusing on the cost of an action? What [00:11:00] happens if they do nothing? And they don't work with you on this. What happens if nothing changes?
There, there's a whole suite of troubleshooting actions behind just that number, just the conversion rate. But if you've got a healthy conversion rate and people are showing up to the calls, then for me, it's cool. So we just need to book more calls because when you book calls, 60 percent of people are saying, yes, that's brilliant.
So let's get more people on calls, right? And so you get to focus on solving the right problems rather than having this black and white, it's working or not working mentality. And that is a game changer for entrepreneurs. Massive action removes doubt and fear. There's no reason to be afraid or confused or doubtful because those emotions won't help.
You're just going to keep taking action, listening, understanding why, understanding where really is the problem that needs solving rather than being catastrophic and saying, Oh, it's not working. So if you don't have what you want right now. [00:12:00] You need to take more action, you need to listen harder, and you need to look at the data to understand at what part of the process things aren't happening for you.
And when you commit to this concept of massive action, there's no room for self-pity, there's no room for sulking, blaming yourself, blaming the universe, blaming the algorithm. The shoulds don't really matter. You should constantly be able to come up with another action plan.
And really, when you commit to that consistency, you show up, you do the work, you listen, you do end up getting results and you'll get more and more results more and more easily, the more you focus. So consistently evaluate the quantitative data and the qualitative data to understand why people are buying, why they're not buying, if your content is resonating or not, if it's bringing in the right people or not.
And over time you do more of what works and you do less of what [00:13:00] doesn't and you test and you analyze and you iterate until you gain traction. And then you usually hit the snowball effect, which is where things become easier and easier. And the whole system is working so much harder for you.
And that's just the sweet spot when things really start to take off. So those who win take the most action, full stop. The second big mindset or way of caring yourself that will change the game for you to make sure that you're one of the coaches that really makes multiple six figures, if not millions in their coaching business.
Principle 2: Progress Over Perfection
Versus those who struggle away on 50, 60, 70 K per year for the rest of their working days is the concept of progress over perfection. Perfectionists don't get paid. We aren't getting paid when we are checking an email for the 10th time. We are not getting paid when we are playing with our colour palette and Canva for an hour.
[00:14:00] What happens with perfectionism? Because perfectionism is simply, fear of failure, essentially. It's a defence mechanism to fear of failure. Perfectionists, and I'm with you. I'm with you. I was there. I was there with you my entire corporate career. They often create imaginary barriers. I'll act on this idea when all of my ducks are in a row.
I'll sell my offer when I know exactly when to sell it and what it's called. And so we're not taking action because we're not trusting ourselves to figure it out because we're overthinking, we're overanalyzing, we're making excuses, and we want all of the information to be able to move, and we can't always have that in entrepreneurship.
So when you're indulging in perfectionism, you're indulging in the procrastination and the avoidance of doing something hard that you haven't fully mastered yet, that you don't have the information for, and because you're feeling scared. You fear judgment, you fear failure, and the only [00:15:00] antidote to that fear of judgment and failure and that you can't do it and that it's not going to be good enough.
The only antidote is to gather evidence for your brain that you are capable of doing these things. You're capable of learning and you know what? You're even capable of doing it, even if it's not a hundred per cent there, even if you don't have all the information. So the only thing you can do is to ask yourself, how do I keep moving?
What's one baby stepper that I can take? Because staying stuck isn't an option. And the more steps you take forward, the more it gives your brain evidence and confidence. Hey, I hadn't even fully thresh it out and it sold. Hey, that email only felt just good enough. And I got five replies. And there's also this sort of acceptance of the fact that you might put things out and it really won't work either.
My [00:16:00] first content pieces were terrible. They were hideous. I used stock photos. I used baby colors that I had this bright coral and yellow on Badass Carees. It looked like a baby. Nursery meets McDonald's, like it was awful. I used Canva elements of like little plants and seedlings with these quotes that weren't even my own around growing, we all planted or something like they were terrible.
My first YouTube videos were terrible. They took me hours to film. I'm stiff. I'm uptight. I don't sound like myself. I've got my telephone voice on. But you know what? By putting that out there and seeing that I didn't die, it helps. It helps. Instead of waiting until you're amazing at content creation to create content, you're never going to get in the world, like this world, you're never going to be able to make it.
You need to really view it that everything you do today is building up to this. Perfection doesn't exist, right? What does that even [00:17:00] mean? But building up to this mastery where you're really proud of what you're doing. But you can't get to that point if you don't do the thing, it's you have to do it ugly.
You have to do it scrappy for it to become great. And the more you do it, and the more you do it when you're like, Oh, actually like that was only my 80 per cent and yet people are appreciating it and saying, thank you. The more you realize that there are so many rules in your brain that you have made up of what your content needs to look like, what your business needs to look like, you're here to help people.
They don't care. They don't care what your workbooks look like. People pay me in excess of like 10, 000 US dollars to do coaching with me and we use ugly Google Docs, right? When I was getting started in private coaching before I had my beautiful Empire Era materials and curriculum, which took months and months to build.
Guess what? I coached for a whole year, ugly, scrappy, not pretty at [00:18:00] all. People need help and they need you now and they need you. You to be able to get to work without it being pretty beautiful, perfect whatever your excuses you're currently making at the core of it. That's what we're here for.
So done is better than perfect. You get to be an evolving masterpiece. Okay, and you get to start now, you were already so helpful and you have so much to give the world without doing a single thing to make that thing better or prettier or learn that thing over there right now. You can get started right now.
Principle 3: Ditch the Tactical Mindset
The third thing that really separates, people in the slow lane from people in the fast lane when it comes to really lucrative online coaching businesses is I would say you've got to ditch the tactical mindset. When I look at entrepreneurs and coaches, what I see most people struggling with are things like They [00:19:00] don't have a very profitable idea or they're not clear on their differentiators or they don't have a deep just unparalleled understanding of their ideal client or they're not creating the right offer around the right pain points or they're really poor at articulating the concrete value of their offer.
For example, those are the things that people are struggling with that I'm saying, and yet the questions that they're asking. Myself, other coaches, people on Instagram, whatever, are things like, what time should I post and schedule my videos for? What landing page software should I use? How many hashtags should I put in my caption?
I'm going to speak really frankly right now because I need this message to land so deep, like to your core. No one, ever, no one has ever moved from one email to another. [00:20:00] Software provider to another and 10x their business revenue. No one has Made the decision to take the dot com or the dot co And 10x their business revenue No one has gone from putting five hashtags caption to eight hashtags in their Instagram Caption and 10x their revenue We need to stop asking basic tactical execution, Google level questions and expect to be making massive moves.
I get it. It is easier for the brain to feel productive solving problems and low-level problems like that and solving them day to day, it makes you feel productive. But it's avoiding doing the real work, the deep work, because you can put professional brand photos and gorgeous colours on an [00:21:00] expensive website builder and your offer will not sell.
You need to stop obsessing over the tech. You need to stop obsessing over the tactics. When you have access to a million-dollar mentor like I am, like I'm in the top 2 per cent of female entrepreneurs worldwide with the revenue I have made through my coaching business, asking me when you have access to me and access to my brain, of course, like in, in my programs, of course, it gives recommendations around tech and things like that, but I say to my clients don't waste your time with me by asking things you could Google.
You need to be resourceful. You need to get scrappy. You need to implement further and faster. You can go and figure out how to build that thing and click up. You can figure out how to go and. Send that message on Slack. Let's talk about your market positioning. Let's talk about your profitability.
Let's talk about your work streams. Let's talk about your brand, your market disruption. [00:22:00] Make sure that you are learning and being exposed to conversations at the right level because being busy and productive over things that don't matter will never ever get you there. The next concept I want to share with you is this ability to go really hard and care so much about what you do and do it well and put yourself into it and have integrity and care while simultaneously detaching from the outcome.
Principle 4: High Intention, Low Attachment
Okay, this concept is called high intention, low attachment. What I see so many people struggling with is obsessing over the results and the outcome of the things that they do and making it mean things that aren't true. For example, a brilliant, talented, empathetic, just incredible client of mine. After [00:23:00] 30 days posting on Instagram, made this dashboard, getting into the nitty gritty of okay, so what are the views and the shares and the saves and the follows and the unfollows and the, let's just step out for a moment.
You've had 30 days on the platform. The algorithm has no idea who you are. Is this behaviour. I'm all for analytics. I'm all for dashboards and performance analytics. We have a whole module on that in Empire era. But is that behaviour, right there, what's behind that behaviour? Is that helping you? Is that helping you show up with confidence?
Is that helping you show up in the right energy? Is that helping you show up and have fun? Like creating content should be fun. Social media should be fun, right? Like we live in this crazy time where we're able to create things and get our message out there and help people. Is that really [00:24:00] helping you to become a better creator obsessing over that, especially when the vibe was what's not working?
Why isn't it growing? Why isn't it going fast enough? Versus ironically when you can detach from obsessing over the wrong things or looking at the numbers in the wrong way or misinterpreting them or looking at them too often or whatever it When you can do things And go at it as if you were already that highest version of yourself that you see.
You imagine if you created content from a place of pure validation and security, like how would you create content if you already had 500, 000 followers? If you already had that validation and that security, how would you act? How would you show up? Because I promise you, from a subconscious perspective, and the subconscious brain is driving our behaviour, I promise you, It's very different to how you're [00:25:00] showing up with a thought in your brain.
This isn't working fast enough. What's not working? I had 10 people unfollow me last week. It's a completely different energy. So with high attention, intention, low attachment, what you need to do is you need to hold the Not the circumstances right now, today, you need to remember what all of this is for and you need to see this as an opportunity, what you're doing in your business to discover who you are and give your gifts to the world and to help people and the more you can act as if you already had all of the validation and security that you needed, that this is working, that it's making great money, that people love your content.
If you can act like you didn't need to obsess over that, like you didn't need to care about that because you were so good, you were so safe, the more you'll become that version of you, the faster you'll become that version of you. Because people can pick up on the fact when you don't actually believe in yourself and back yourself.
[00:26:00] When you're full of doubt when you're full of fear, it shows. It shows in your sales calls. It shows in your content. It shows on your stories. Your behaviour changes. I can tell you when I'm creating from a place of stress and anxiety and fear, I do not show up for my community. I'm not on stories. I'm not in a good mood.
I'm not being authentic. It doesn't work. And so when we learn to accept that we're going to get so much more out of falling in love with the process and the doing and the fact that building a business is a process, it's not something you started and it stops six months later. It's an ongoing thing when you learn to love that and you trust yourself that you are doing, everything you can to connect with people and do it.
Yes, of course, I give my clients a very comprehensive, detailed roadmap, of course. But if you implement that, at some point you can need to trust the process and not make things mean big things, detrimental things and [00:27:00] fall into that catastrophic thinking process, right? So it's if you had a sales call that didn't go well, no worries, because the more people you speak to, the more challenging calls you have, the tougher calls you have, right?
The easier they'll become, the more confident you'll get over time. It's part of the process. You're getting better and better at sales every time that happens. Or every day that you choose to overanalyze a situation. You can lose hours in lost motivation, days that you're choosing not to take action and collect data and move forward.
It's really embracing this concept that there is no failure. There's only feedback. And the only failure as such is not integrating the lesson and moving forward with that wisdom, with that learning. So for me, it's about adopting the mind of a scientist and having really strong hypothesis of what will work and what will connect and, and then doing it absolutely like [00:28:00] care and put your heart into it and do your best.
And if it doesn't generate the result that you were hoping for, what can we learn? What is it telling us? And does it really matter? Because we love the process so much anyway, that the outcome is just a bonus. Now this is very advanced when it comes to levels of mindset mastery. So this isn't something that, you can beat yourself up for and say, Oh, that's not me at all.
Don't worry about it. It wasn't me for the first three, four years. It's still not me. Sometimes when I'm feeling stressed at my low points and so on and so forth. Okay. But the more we can practice this. The faster our business builds and the more positive reinforcement we get, it's when we're obsessed over the outcome and the result in the more negative, toxic way that it's not gonna work for us.
It's that's why we, the best interview of our lives has been the interview where we didn't need the job. It's exactly the same concept. So it's like when you hop on a sales [00:29:00] call with someone, whether it's a yes or no, you genuinely you genuinely don't mind. Because if it's a no, it wasn't gonna be a perfect fit person anyway.
So it's an amazing chance to have a conversation with people, to learn from them, to get content ideas, to get their sticky language that you can use in your copywriting and your marketing like a sales call is such a great experience. And then whatever happens at the end, like both options you're fine with.
Genuinely. The next game changer for the coaches who really make it versus the coaches that keep struggling.
Principle 5: Purpose-Driven Coaching
Is really having their purpose and their heart connected to what they do. Now, of course, you couldn't get out of a list with me without the word purpose being in there. Of course. But it's true, honestly, when your heart is in it, when you are mission-driven, when you are doing this for a movement for a community, you have a motivation, you have a resilience that other people just do not have.
I'm a [00:30:00] smart person, I know how to make money online. I've sold thousands of dollars worth of t-shirts on Amazon, for example, doing merch on demand by Amazon. But you can't stick to things that your heart's not in. Because entrepreneurship is a constant evolution, learning, tweaking, evolving, going hard.
And you need to love what you're learning about and care about what you're learning about. so much. Because things will come out, software will change, algorithms will change you're gonna need to constantly reinvent yourself. And it can be exhausting. Or it can be part of the growth and the challenge of getting your mission into the world.
There's a big difference.
Principle 6: Radical Follow Through
The next thing I want to share with you is the concept of radical follow-through. Now you'll see a lot of these concepts are interlinked, of course. It's all painting a picture of the kind of person who is still human, who [00:31:00] still feels fear, who still worries, who still has anxiety, like I've got my hand up in the air right now, but does the damn thing.
Radical follow-through, at the end of the day, you need to stay accountable to your dreams. People don't build empires overnight. Brands, personal brands, relationships, trust, businesses, they are long game plays, okay? We're in it for the long haul. This is a marathon, not a sprint. No one is going to take your purpose and values and put it into the world for you.
No one's coming to save you. You cannot defer the responsibility of building up these things, okay? I, as your coach, cannot care about your business more than you care about your business. You need to care so much about your business. You need to pull this off and I'm here and I'll help facilitate your success and I will do everything I can to facilitate my clients making the most, I will [00:32:00] not bail on them.
I will be there. But at the end of the day, you can't give up on yourself. You need to have the fight. You've told me you've taught, you've put it out there that you are going to build a million-dollar coaching business, that you are going to get paid five, 10 times more than the average coach by following your purpose and leveraging the internet, right?
At the end of the day, that radical sense of responsibility to make that happen. It is yours and life will happen. You'll get sick, loved ones will get sick. Or it'll be the school holidays, or it'll be a hectic week travelling for work or whatever. Life will always happen. It's so easy, especially when this is your side hustle, for a few days to turn into a few weeks and then a few months and then suddenly another year has gone by and you haven't got your business running.[00:33:00]
Your business still has not replaced your corporate salary. Your business still hasn't hit six figures. Especially in the first phase of business building, you might need to say no. You might need to underperform in other areas of life. Or only perform average. You might need to say, so sorry, no, I'm going to work tonight.
Sorry, no I can't watch TV in the evenings anymore and watch series together, or I'm sorry. I can't have our family dinners every single Sunday evening. Now I need to do it every two weeks because I'm building something. You might need to get into the habit of squeezing the juice out of the time that you have, right?
Consciously practising five minutes of focused mindfulness in the shower on a walk while cooking dinner. You might need to swap out music for a business podcast when you're going for a walk. You might need to temporarily put things in place that other people [00:34:00] wouldn't do or aren't willing to do so that you can live one day like other people aren't able to.
You might need to give yourself. A non-negotiable time slot every Sunday and communicate that to your partner, to your friends. And instead of feeling apologetic about it, ask for their support, explain to them how badly you want this and why and how it's going to benefit everyone longterm. Because if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
Of course, everyone would love to get paid ridiculously well to do work that they love. It's up to you to develop an unshakable ability to follow through and finish what you start. How would you show up if there was no plan B? How would you show up if that cushy corporate job, if you knew that your contract was ending six months from now, it might look different to what you're doing at the moment.
It's up to you to have that radical follow through and to put that heat on yourself so that you can make it happen [00:35:00] at least for the initial phase, the initial build phase. And then it's so much easier once we're in maintenance, but the build phase. Is a game changer building out your entire funnel and business model.
Now, the final thing I wanted to share with you is the people who are making millions online.
Principle 7: Shifting Your State Quickly
What I've seen time and time again is this impressive speed at which they are able to shift their state. So all of us have this bullshit brain, which was built to be very focused on the negative, very focused on the threat, because our brain needs to avoid pain, it needs to avoid psychological pain, physical pain, it needs to avoid danger, it needs to avoid death.
It has been built to keep us safe. And so all of us have a brain that very quickly focuses on, okay, I'm looking through my comments, [00:36:00] lovely comment, HATER COMMENT! Focus alert, this is gonna ruin my day! We're all the same. I'm not, I don't have any special armour that I can put on, where people's words don't hurt me, or where something didn't go as planned in my business and it's really disappointing, or I doubt my ability to pull it off, or I question myself and I wonder what the fuck am I doing, or, I'm, I have fears, I have worries.
I have, new level, new level. At every level there are different problems, but there are problems and there are fears and there are doubts and there are concerns and there's imposter syndrome and there's all sorts of stuff going on, okay? Just because I've moved through several iterations of that doesn't mean that I don't have my version of it still at my level.
However, what happens is the the time spent there dramatically reduces. Transcribed And what I think a lot of successful people have realized is that where your focus goes, your energy [00:37:00] flows. So if you're focusing on the negatives, the what ifs, the catastrophic thinking, the negatives, what's not working today, so much energy and focus and time will go there that it's almost you'll get more of that.
There's this beautiful saying, which is what you appreciate appreciate. And it's so true. If you're focusing on the positives, if you're celebrating, if you're focusing on what is working, then you'll see more of that. The reticular activating system in your brain literally has been built to see more of what you're focused on.
It's the area of your brain that if you buy a red Fiat, suddenly you see red Fiat everywhere on the road. Your brain sees more. notices more often and focuses more often on the things you have in mind on the things that you focus on and so focusing on the positive will bring more positives into your world just pure science and likewise if you're in the [00:38:00] I'm not good enough.
Money isn't enough. I'm not there yet. If you're obsessed with that, and that's where you're living, you're gonna feel that more often, you're gonna see that more often, and you're gonna have that more often and experience that more often. You will find what you're looking for. My offer's trash. My content's not working.
No one's gonna sign up. Guess what's gonna happen. Guess what you're gonna get more of. So you absolutely need to focus on the outcome and the identity that you want on the world that you want to create. And so it's not that we don't have negative thoughts. It's not that we don't have these doubts and these fears, but it's this ability to move out of them very quickly.
And so some of the things that you can do very quickly to cut, to notice, and then you've got to cut it so soon when these negative thoughts arise that you know are driving your behaviour into the wrong area of focus. You can do things like shifting your state, shifting the way you're operating and viewing the world.
You can do things like moving your body. There's a physical element. You can dance. You can walk. You can just. [00:39:00] You can jump, you can shake it out, you can scream into a pillow, you can drink a, big liter of water with some lemon, you can, you do something for your body. You can also, that, that sort of, that physically cuts the connection and allows you to reset.
You can also work through mindset workflows that allow you to deconstruct your thoughts and reframe things and tell yourself better stories. So if the story you're telling yourself is I'm not pretty enough to make content. I'm not pretty enough to make content. How can you walk through a process?
Like we have all sorts of mindset-shifting processes inside empire era that allow you To shift out of that and to move away from that to debunk that to stop believing that to find evidence for a different way of viewing the world and to commit to that and practice believing that and take Action in a way that your brain is oh This is my [00:40:00] new belief.
How can you embody a different story a more positive story? And how can you shift your focus? If you're focusing on something negative, and sometimes you have to if you're solving a problem or whatever, if you're focusing on something negative, how can you identify so much evidence of all the positive things that are happening to you?
What's working? And it's about Ensuring that you're, you are mastering this ability to shift into the empowered action taking into a more positive state and telling yourself better stories and making bigger moves because you're backing yourself. So again, it's not that these negative thoughts will ever go away, they won't, but you can move away from them much faster.
And then things that used to take two hours to recover from. [00:41:00] For example, a sales call that you feel like you're really fucked up and it just didn't go your way. And you leave feeling a little bit embarrassed, a little bit sad, a little bit disappointed. Things that used to take two hours of lost focus and motivation away from you.
Will take three minutes. And then you're moving on. So it's this commitment. To being able to move through these things. And that really helps, obviously, when you don't make something like that mean something about you, I could speak to this topic for three days straight, but this is a really good starting point for a palette of different behaviours and mindsets and attitudes and beliefs that really do make the biggest difference.
When it comes to building a successful, purposeful, and profitable coaching business, I'd love to hear from you and hear which of these resonated with you the most, and which of these you are going to [00:42:00] commit to and focus on the hardest over the next 30 days, set yourself a challenge and start practising this embodying this and getting really damn good at this one thing.
Just one of the things, but one of the things of the list of seven that I've just given you and take action on it. Commit to evolving and upgrading your own identity and you'll be surprised at what will happen I'd love to hear from you and hear which one you are committing to over on Instagram Come and send me a dm And otherwise stay badass keep building that empire and I will see you in the very next episode Bye a shit ton of income crazy impact a business that you Adore.
Just by listening to this episode you are one step closer to your very own badass empire. Now I want to hear from you. Tag me in your stories or send me a DM over on Instagram so I can learn what resonated with you most. Oh and if you're the kind of badass who is willing to help us out [00:43:00] big time and take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast, make sure you send us a screenshot of that review at hello at badass empires dot com so I can send you a juicy freebie to say thank you.
Until next time, keep showing up for your future and we'll keep smashing goals in the next episode.