[00:00:45] The Content-Sales Disconnect
Hey, badass. Let's have a little chat about the disconnect that can happen sometimes between, the intention you have with your content when you're showing up, you're posting every day, if not pretty often, you're nice and consistent and you're putting yourself out there with your content and that feeling, that phenomenon, when that doesn't translate into sales, when you don't have inquiries in your inbox, you don't have people asking how they can work with you.
And you're not signing new clients. You're not getting those sales coming in, making you feel like it's worth it, right? Because at the end of the day, while we are purpose driven businesses and we love to make an impact and we love to help people and we will be ultimately putting out so much content and value in education out there for free because most of our audience members will never buy and never be clients of ours and that's fine.
We do need some clients. We are a business, right? We do need that proportion of people who are willing to go all in, they want the VIP offer, they want the roadmap, they want the premium service or offering that you are providing. Because it allows you to keep showing up and it motivates you to keep showing up and giving away so much of that content for free.
And. Your content machine, it needs to be working for you in this way so that it is bringing in really highly aligned community members. It's building that trust, it's building those relationships, that connection, those conversations are flowing and it's resulting in clients for you. Because yes, you absolutely get to build a business around your purpose and get paid amazing money.
It's all this beautiful win situation that you have when you design this kind of business.
[00:02:32] Why Your Content Isn't Converting
So maybe you're in a situation right now where you are posting every day or you're posting really often, and yet your audience isn't growing or it is growing, but you're attracting the wrong people. It doesn't seem to be a strong alignment there.
Maybe your posts aren't getting much engagement at all, many likes or saves or anything like that, or at the other end of the spectrum, maybe they're getting lots of engagement, and yet no one is in the DMs asking how to work with you, saying take my money, I want to work with you in close proximity.
Proximity. I want the most transformational experience with you, where you guide me A to Z, we have that dialogue, you support me you offer that accountability, right? People should be wanting to upgrade off the back of your free content and say, Hey, how can I get that premium? Version of this and maybe you have the situation where people are telling you that your content is amazing and it's really useful and they love your account and you can see in your analytics that it's getting likes, it's getting saves like your content is doing something for you and yet people aren't taking the next step and buying from you.
Why is that? Okay, why is that? And if sales are really slow. Or if you're simply not making any at all, there's an issue because if you're posting content every single day, you have absolutely turned on your content machine for your business. And if that content machine is not steadily growing your audience and causing a stream of sales or in client inquiries to come in consistently, then there's going to be a massive problem because your business starts to feel.
Really unpredictable. There's a lot of scarcity. There's a lot of money anxiety, and that's going to have you showing up from a place of fear and desperation rather than purpose and generosity and just joy in the connection. And, ironically, when you can get to that place, that's how more and more sales come in, obviously, because you have that energy of being able to so fiercely help people.
While being looked after while the sales feeling really good. It's also, just a lot of energy and effort for no return. No one wants to be stuck on Canva or filming reels, doing the voiceovers, filming B roll, whatever it is that you're doing. And having that feeling that you're going around and around in circles for nothing.
Content is a lot of effort. It is a lot of time. And it is obviously something that you want to see a return on investment from. So if that content machine isn't working for you, if you're posting every day and still seeing no sales, you have my friend, a content strategy problem, because when people say to me, Oh, but I show up, I post every day.
There's no guarantee to that. It's not oh cool, you post every day, you've ticked that box, therefore you're owed sales. No, you can post twice a week and be having incredible sales because your content hits, your content is strategic, it's intentional. It's about what you're posting. And how that's positioning you and the messaging behind them.
And trust me, when your content machine is working for you, it is the best feeling you have, the visibility, the traffic, the eyeballs, the relationships, the conversations, the sales, it feels good. You've built your business. You have this incredible mission and way of helping people. And it's the thing that lights that fire and allows you to help more and more people.
You go from working with ten students, to a hundred students, to a thousand students. As your content flows, your audience gets bigger, your visibility gets bigger. It is just the best feeling. And this is something that I have always been really fascinated by. I have built a YouTube channel up to 180, 000 subscribers.
We're heading towards 200, 000 subscribers on our Instagram account right now. I've leveraged social media to generate over 3 million in revenue. I've really got my finger on the pulse of what works and what doesn't, okay? But more than that, I've always been really fascinated by creating sustainable audiences.
On social media that keep working for you, even when the trends die down, even when that format's not cool anymore, even when they introduce a cool new platform, whatever it is, and part of the reason I'm really good at this is because I'm really good at troubleshooting. Consumer behavior, what's working and why, what's not working and why, and yes, iterating and tweaking and evolving, but also committing to the tried and true principles of what people need to be able to experience from your brand and your messaging in order to become a client.
[00:07:23] 10 Reasons Your Content Isn't Selling
I want to give you 10 concrete reasons that this might be happening to you. You're posting every day, you're posting often, you're showing up, but you're still not getting sales. And make sure you stay to the end because I'm also going to give you a bonus tip as well. And just keep in mind as we go through the list that it could be one or many of these things.
So this list is yours to take away and troubleshoot and start solving the source of the problem, the root cause of the problem. And get ready to take either mental or physical notes because there'll be a lot that you can implement out of today's episode.
[00:07:55] Reason 1: Too Educational
Reason number one, your content is not converting into sales.
It's that it's too tips heavy, too educational. And we've all been here, right? Because when we learn to create content and show up on social media, I guess the entry level kind of content that we can create, which is relatively easy, are these tips videos, three tips to learn how to do this, three ways you can do this, how to do this.
And. It's really valuable and we get told to create value on social media, help people. And so you think to yourself, okay, so they need to achieve something. So I'm going to share with them how they can achieve these things over and over because it's information because it's tips. This is, although super valuable, it's inherently transactional.
So it's you showing up, giving people some hacks, tips, tactics, strategies. They're like, great, thank you. You're useful. I like you. I'll save this. You didn't necessarily make me feel anything. Okay. You're of use to me, but it's not whoa, you called me out. Wow. I hadn't thought about it that way.
Oh my gosh. I'm seeing things differently. Oh wow. You've just made me realize that I do want to act on this in life. Whatever it is, you're not making them feel. And that is what gets you stuck in the friend zone, because they like you, you're great, but you don't make them feel, they don't have the sense of like, why they need to work with you, because again, it's tips, right?
It's information. Anyone could package up three easy points, three easy tips into a video online. You're also not creating any sense of, awareness. You're not creating that, that awareness of the gap between where they are today and where they want to go in their consciousness, because. If they're following along on badass careers, for example, and they think that video is telling them, three tweaks you can make to your LinkedIn headline or three cute resume taglines you can use, or whatever it is these quick tips videos, which can be super helpful again, but if that was all I ever did, then they'd miss the point, which is actually behind the scenes deeper than that.
You actually need an entire personal brand strategy and. Networking and visibility strategy to get a really great job and so I'd actually be doing them a disservice because they wouldn't be aware of, they don't know what they don't know and I wouldn't be helping them to bridge that gap and I'd be doing me a disservice because they're not going to be messaging me saying, hey, Thanks for the tips.
I love your account. And I know I need to go deeper. I know that in order to get results and make big, bold moves in my career, I need to work with you on the deep stuff. And so that's why these tips videos, this educational content, while it's super valid, and it's one of my favorite kinds of content to create still, it's just one part of the picture.
And if it's all that your audience are seeing on your account, Then it's not going to be doing the selling for you. You've got to make sure you've got plenty of content coming in your strategy that is designed to connect. It has more personality. It's got variety baked into it. It's intentional around building real relationships and starting conversations.
It shows off your values, your convictions, your opinions, maybe your sense of humor if you want it to, but it does more than just regurgitate information that you can find these days on Google, okay? And if you want more insight into the kinds of content that need to be baked into your content strategy, you can go check out my episode around the three content types that you need.
And I walk you through my three D's framework in that episode, which will help to get you ideating about the kind of content you can be doing in addition to educational content.
[00:11:56] Reason 2: Focusing on the Wrong Things
Reason number two that your content may not be doing the work for you and resulting in client inquiries and sales is that you're focusing on all the wrong things. I have seen this time and time again. I've observed content creators, educators, coaches, course creators, trying to grow online and they're obsessed with hacking the system. And they're following these gurus who are putting out these reels who are like, The one hook that got me 6 million views! And they're obsessed with tracking down trending audios with less than 2, 000 uses.
Or, I'm going to post a funny meme because I saw something similar on someone else's account and it got a million likes. And so I'm going to Recreate that funny meme and get lots of likes on my account too. Again, they're chasing the vanity metrics. They're chasing the big numbers and they think that there are these hacks, these gimmicks that are going to get them there.
And these things may help with views, but they will almost never result in DMs on your account, having people say, Where do I sign up? I need to work with you. Again, the kind of content that creates that reaction. It's what I like to call empathy marketing. It's about when you know really at the deepest level as if you're their best friend, this person, their pain points, their goals, the challenges, their roadblocks, their mindset issues, the words that they use to describe where they are on their journey.
And you use your content to show them that you see them, and you know exactly where they're at, and what they need, and what's on their mind, and that's when the conversations and the sales start flowing. No matter what format, It comes in, how you package it up, if it's a reel, if it's a carousel, if it's a story, it doesn't matter.
When you design your content from inside of that person's head, instead of inside of your head, that's when you see the sales. And it doesn't matter if it comes with a million likes or not. So rather than chasing the shiny stuff, the vanity metrics, the likes, the comments, The content that looks like it's doing well on the outside, judge your content system by how many inquiries and DMs you're getting, how many sales you're getting when you've got your system in place and funnel set to receive clients.
Because traffic is just traffic, traffic is great, but Not if it has nowhere to go. Traffic that's bringing in eyeballs and visibility from your aligned ideal client and resonates with them and is hitting them in the feels is a completely different scenario. And that's why a reel with 100 views, but 100 qualified views can do so much better for you than a reel with 100, 000 views of a cute funny meme.
But you didn't make anyone care.
[00:15:04] Reason 3: Not Knowing Your Ideal Client
Now, reason number three that your content's not working for you is directly related to this, and it's not knowing who this ideal client is in explicit detail so you can speak directly to your person. Because to get clients, you need to work with your people. That person, that ideal client that you have in mind, who would be your favorite person, that favorite kind of human to work with.
And you really want to help them to get results in a specific area of life. You want to help them to clear their adult acne or learn how to twerk or to meditate or to get a job or whatever it is. And it's a kind of person where not only do you know the kind of standard, obvious sort of demographic information, like woman 20 to 30, who is in a relatively high corporate job.
Like it's more than that. It's. What's keeping her up at night? How is she spending her spare time? What else is she investing in right now to find solutions to the problem that you're helping her with? What is she confiding in her friends about on this topic? And if you don't know, you need to do the market research and have the conversations until because you need to have them trust that you get them. You understand where they are, you know what they want, and you're able to lead them or guide them through closing. That gap. So what are their dreams? What are their challenges? What do they need in this moment? Where are they at in life? What's really important to them right now on their timeline at this pivotal moment before they invest in you and things change.
Because if you don't know that, then your messaging is going to stay mediocre. You're going to be saying, Hey, quit the 9 to 5 and start your own business because you want freedom. Rather than being able to say to the person, Hey, You've always been a goal getter. You work so hard. You pull those extra hours.
You give it your all. You can't not care. You're just that kind of person. You go so hard in your career. Imagine if you could direct all of that energy towards building your own thing and your own dream rather than someone else's. That way you're not going to be victim To these arbitrary salary bands that they make up and putting those caps on you, those salary caps, those glass ceilings on you.
It's also going to work so much better for you because if you want to start at 10 a. m, you can start at 10 a. m. If you want to start at 1 p. m, you can start at 1 p. m. No more rules around presenteeism in the corporate world that come from a lack of trust You'll get to work in your way That's what they want to hear.
So when you think about knowing this ideal client, knowing your person, I want you to think about the kinds of reactions you want to elicit in them, which are things like, Oh my gosh, she's reading my mind. How did she know she's spying on me? How did she know that's exactly what I was thinking about yesterday?
Or, oof, that was the gut punch or the message I needed to hear today. That was the kick up the ass I needed today. Or, wow, that content piece has me feeling called out on my BS. I'm going to stop sabotaging myself in that way. It's reactions like, yes, that is so true, finally someone said it. And it's reactions like, yes, that is exactly how I feel about it too.
So really getting to the level of their values and their convictions and coming across as super aligned on those as well. So in order to elicit those reactions for that person, what stories do you need to tell? What journeys do you need to take them on when it comes to your content? And what do you need to share with them?
That is going to have them feeling like they're at the center of your content. And you are truly at service of exactly what they need to know about, learn about, and take action on in their life.
[00:19:07] Reason 4: Weak Hooks
Reason number four that you might be posting consistently, but you're not seeing those sales come through is that your hooks ain't hooking.
And this is a lot more tactical, but at the end of the day, Your ideal client, your person, they can't get into your content in the first place if they're not drawn in. While I just shared a lot around messaging and storytelling and the kind of emotional reactions you want your content to elicit, that's the 50 percent around resonating with your person, there's always going to be a 50 percent of the marketing game.
When it comes to social media you've got to make sure that 50 percent of your effort is creating really great content with great messaging and 50 percent you're also doing the things that are going to get your content seen and I'm not talking about the one viral hook that will get you 6 million views guaranteed, but the fact that.
We are in an attention poor society where there is a lot of noise on the feed and you want to be able to capture their attention and stand out to hook them in the first place and the marketing psychology of using hooks is absolutely solid and no there's not one way but there are ways that you can absolutely elevate them to capture that attention so for example a boring hook would be something like how to pose in photos.
A not boring hook would be something like POV. You hate the way your arms look in every photo until you find this exact pose. Okay, so again, putting them at the center. A boring hook might be something like three tips to enhance your content strategy. A not boring hook. Posting every day and still no sales.
Let's fix it, which may or may not be the title of this episode. All right.
[00:20:55] Reason 5: Vague Messaging
Reason number five, vague vibes. You're very vague and a lot of people suffer from this and people don't know what to do. You mean, and it's because, a lot of us are the experts or the coaches, and we know what we mean, and we've experienced coaching, and we know how cool it can be.
And we assume that everyone has, a concept of what we mean by things like mindset or self betterment or fulfillment. And it's just not the case. And it's just a little Vague it's given vague and people don't know exactly what you mean. So This could be when you're speaking about the results that you get in your content or on your bio things like live your best life Feel more joy Be fulfilled be your best you Like what does it mean?
I mean I know what you're trying to say as a coach because once people have worked with me You They do use language like that. I'm the best version of myself. I'm so fulfilled. But when your person joined your community for the first time, they may not know what that means, right? You've got to be very tangible for them.
You've got to be explicit. You could also be very vague when it comes to your methodology. Of getting results. How do you actually help people get results using language, like calling that in playing all out showing up for yourself. Embodiment quantum leaping your results. Some of them are just giving like.
What in general, but any language like this is just going to be really off putting for most people, I think, because it's giving scam. Like it just feels a little bit off or a little bit like that sounds made up. And again, You might be the kind of person where you associate with people in your world that use this kind of language and you all know what each other means, but most people don't.
And, I don't know, I've been a coach for over five years now and I'm still really confused by anyone who says that they can get people results by calling it in. You might also be super vague when it comes to the link between the topic and yourself. Why you again? What's your story? What's your authority?
Why does this thing matter and why are you the person to mentor me on it? Remember that purpose of yours and that passion of yours and that expertise of yours needs to be sprinkled through every single content piece in some way. It comes down to what you say and it comes down to how you say it to make sure that they can trust you and you know your shit.
I think the message for this one is that clarity sells and confused minds don't buy. And so if you're going to tell me that you are a quantum leap coach helping women to feel more joy and be them best selves while calling it in and playing it all out and living their best life. Your content will never convert because people will stay confused, people will stay sceptical, and I would challenge that you don't even know exactly what you do.
So how is Anyone meant to purchase that from you.
[00:24:20] Reason 6: Inconsistent Branding
Reason number six might be inconsistent brand or messaging. So inconsistent branding or messaging can confuse or alienate your audience. And this often comes when people keep looking elsewhere for inspiration. They're looking at competitors accounts and they are recreating content from them.
And so one day they sound like Sandy. One day they sound like Mandy. One day they sound like candy. And one day they sound like Andy. So the big question you need to ask yourself when it comes to auditing your content over and over again, and this is a commitment. This is something that I still need to do all the time is ask yourself, how can I be even more me?
How can I not just give this tip in this reel, but give it with my flavor or my personality or my twist? How would it be impossible to copycat me because I've done it my way? Or how can I use an example from my experience to illustrate? And that also helps you to show up as the expert and the authority when you've got lessons and stories and client experiences or your own experiences to illustrate and tell a story about the topic. People can't copy that off you, firstly, and secondly, it's okay, this person has the maturity and the experience to be able to speak to this. And people aren't doing it enough.
[00:25:46] Reason 7: Lack of Clear Call to Action
Reason number seven is simply, people don't know how to reach out to you, why they would reach out to you. There's just a massive lack of a clear call to action.
A vague or an absent call to action can result in missed opportunities for conversion. So start a conversation with them, put out a reel with five tips and ask them, which tip are you going to take action on today? Get them into your funnel, get them into your sales system. For example, at Badass Careers, we say drop dollar signs in the comments, and I will send you a link to my free salary workshop full of more scripts and tactics, just like this one, right?
So get them into your funnel. If you don't have a funnel set up yet, invite them to go deeper. Send me a DM with your draft niche statement and I'll give you some feedback. Especially while you're small, you can do things like this that really treat people like gold. Filter out the people who are the hardcores, who are the people who want to learn even more from you.
So for example, a call to action could be comment content below and I'll send you five more content ideas. In addition to the five you just gave away, this is going to have the people who are really committed showing up in your DMs and then you can voice note them, then you can message them, then you can get to know them.
So sometimes people need to be told what to do or given direction to go one step further. So make sure you're doing that often because it's not always obvious that you're up for the conversation and you're open to having people slide into your DMs or whatever it is. So tell them that they can do that.
Give them that permission.
[00:27:20] Reason 8: Too Salesy
Now, reason number eight is that your content is giving salesy, it's too promotional, it's too sales heavy. It feels like there's this shop window and every content piece is being used to directly or indirectly. Sell. Okay. And people don't like the feeling of being sold to all the time.
And I believe in a content system that sells for you, but in a really empowered way for the person. So they get to enjoy your content. They get to have a taster of you and they get to go through this really empowering journey throughout your funnel that makes them the actor every single step of the way and helps them to decide.
Whether or not they'd like to work with you. We want clients who are like, hell yes, this is my person. I want to work with this person. And so there's a difference between content that's pushing people to sign up for things versus content. That's allowing people to get value and have a win and have a mindset shift to make them feel something and make them laugh or make them cry or whatever it And then have them decide from.
Their own standpoint. Is this the coach for me? Is this the mentor for me? So that's the kind of content that we want going out on your feed and we want it selling for you every day Without you having to sell to them. There's a very big distinction between that So if you're using your content, which should be inherently really enjoyable to consume, and you're using that to sell, rather than leveraging things like a trust funnel or an automated email sequence, an incredible lead magnet, and a really valuable, like with my clients, we're creating things like mini courses and secret podcast series and really cool stuff.
That's doing the selling for you all the time. If you're using your shop window your content, that first taster, someone has of you to sell, it's going to be off putting for people. Sales typically are happening in conversations and voice notes behind the scenes and people going through your trust funnel and experiencing your amazing mini course or whatever it is.
So play the long game, right? You get to sell every day without explicitly selling every day when you make your content really valuable for free. And of course we want your content to allow you to be explicit and explain exactly how to work with you occasionally. And of course you're going to do your launches and your marketing campaigns, but we're talking about 10 percent of the time here, not the 90 percent of the time.
[00:30:03] Reason 9: Ignoring Analytics
Now, reason number nine is ignoring analytics, data, market insights, and insights into consumer behavior on the social media platforms that you're existing on and ignoring the analytics and the data. Okay. Can result in massive missed opportunities for optimization for refinement and for improvement. You want to be leveraging obviously your own analytics to refine your content strategy and identify areas for improvement.
And you want to understand what's happening on the market so that you can see what people want. For example, if you go on to the account of someone who's also showing up in your space and you can see that their average video views are like 50k and they keep getting video views in the 300k, 400k, 500k, whenever they speak about promotions, for example, that's market views.
Insight now, this isn't a permission slip to copy that person or to rip off the content, not at all, but it's to take that information and say, Hey, the market's really into promotions. And that's a topic that I speak about as a career coach. How can I make this mine? How can I create a really cool series around this?
How can I do this my way? It's the same thing for looking at keyword volumes, SEO, and seeing those big search terms that people are looking at in your niche and asking yourself, wow, a lot of people are into this topic are asking questions around this topic. How can I create content around that as a content creator and an educator?
Yes, you get to create the content that you want to create. Yes, you get to create from a place of your internal inspiration, but you also have to understand what other people want to learn about. Yes, What your ideal clients want to learn about. Now, if I give you the example of my not even French YouTube channel, I wanted to create content around French culture, decoding French people, funny French quirks.
That was really exciting for me. That's what I wanted to create. But I also created videos that the market told me. People wanted to see for example how to dress like a Parisian. I'm not really into that topic I don't care But I collaborated with three friends that were big into that topic other either threat friends or other content creators And I created three separate videos around Parisian fashion and dressing like a Parisian And what to wear in Paris and that kind of stuff because the market wanted it and those videos You Got hundreds of thousands of views because that's what people wanted to learn about in my niche.
And so you've always got to dance this dance between what do you want to create and what did they want from you and what does the market tell you is really important to be speaking about right now. Because again, as long as it's within the realms of your scope and your niche, it's really important that you can both give people what they want and what they need as a creator.
In fact, sometimes you're going to get them in based on what they want and they stick around because you deliver to them what they need.
[00:33:12] Reason 10: Weak Sales Funnel
Now, reason number 10 that the sales may not be coming in despite all of this energy and effort you're putting into your content is that you have. A really weak sales funnel.
You don't have anywhere for them to go. You're expecting your content to carry. Now your content shouldn't have to do all of the heavy lifting when it comes to your sales. Your sales are a system. It's about many things happening in parallel. So I want you to visualize a funnel with me. A funnel being very wide at the top and very narrow down the bottom.
And this is a metaphor that's often used in the business world to describe a funnel. What happens in terms of audience numbers converting into clients. So right at the top, at the widest part of your funnel, you have your audience members, your community, people consuming your content. It's about that high level traffic and high level relationship of people who are Hanging around in your world.
They've just maybe met you for the first time, or they are a more casual follower, or whatever it is, but they are at the top where most people live, okay? Which is in that kind of not yet committed client space. You've got most people up there, most eyeballs up there, most humans living up there, and then down at that very narrow part you have the people who have gone on their own empowered journey, decided to work with you and become your client.
And proportionately, There are far fewer clients compared to audience members. And that's completely normal. The theory is that, for example, for every 100 followers you have, you may only have three to five clients. Spit out at the other end through this funnel. Okay. Because the funnel makes people go on a variety of decision making points as to whether or not they want to work with you and whether or not they want to work with you right now.
And so to help them move along those decision points and help them make that empowered decision. Yes, I want to work with you. Yes, I want the most VIP transformative experience possible from this coach, from this creator. I want their course. I want their program. You can accelerate. Those decisions by making sure that you have the middle of the funnel working for you.
And this consists of several strategies like, it could be a lead magnet. It could be your automated email sequence. It could be going live. It could be special events. It could be trainings. It could be anything that gives people more of that proximity to you, that relationship to you. It could be, exchanging.
Really strategic DMS over voice note, having conversations with people. It's essentially taking them from casual viewer or follower down to client. If that's the decision that they want to make. And. This middle part of this funnel really needs to use a lot of marketing and sales psychology while feeling good and while building trust.
So there are strategic things you can be doing, but obviously always making sure that the ball is genuinely in the other person's court so that working with you feels like a big yes from them and a genuine yes. It makes the journey from follower to client very clear and very easy. There are multiple pathways depending on the buyer profile, the client profile, how they like to purchase, how they like to make their decisions.
And this again could be via the DMs, your sales page, your website, application forms. There are so many things going on in the middle of the system. Relying on your content and thinking that there's nothing between content and sales is a fallacy. And so you need to make sure that you're building out really simple and powerful communication pathways, ideally automated to help nudge people through the funnel towards working with you.
Again, if that feels really good for them right now, because again, if you're relying on your content to sell for you, And do that heavy lifting with the sales. It's not going to be coming from a place of value and generosity and people are going to feel it and it's not going to end up working for you either.
I promised you a bonus tip and I always deliver on my promises.
[00:37:32] Bonus Tip: Keep Your Content Fresh
My bonus tip is that. Your audience might be getting bored of your content because in addition to your content topics, your content pillars and pebbles, you've also got different types of content. So deep discoverable driver content, which I speak about in my three types of content, you need episode, go check that out.
But there are also styles of content and styles of content are things like, are they face to camera? Is it you as a talking head, speaking directly to the camera. Is it you drawing on a whiteboard? Is it a carousel? Is it using b roll footage of you and putting a really valuable or inspirational educational piece of content over top of a fast moving quick video of you showing more about your everyday life, showing more behind the scenes?
Mix it up, give them detailed explainers, give them one page of visuals, give them infographics on just one slide, give them the 10 page carousel, test it out and mix it up for them. Because I know that I've seen a massive difference. When I've been doing face to camera nonstop for two months and the engagement starts to decline and the audience starts to fatigue.
And then I mix it up with some B roll or I mix it up with some carousels again, just infuses a little bit of novelty. And so be consistent and create your brand and create your style, but also don't be afraid to mix it up. Even if you are the face to camera educator and you love it that way, okay. Why not draw out your process on a piece of paper and film that top down and put it over top as a visual?
Why not try out something new in the editing? Why not put a few clips of you working behind the scenes to break it up? It's about making sure that you can keep it fresh. And keeping it fresh could also just be infusing more personality and humor. It doesn't always have to be visual. It doesn't always have to be about the filming and the Either.
Okay. But that could be another reason why people aren't buying for you is because as awesome as your content is, it's feeling a bit same, and it's not evoking anything anymore. So remember to surprise and delight and keep people excited about what's next from you.
[00:39:50] Conclusion and Call to Action
So there we go, my badass, please, I would love to hear from you.
Don't make this a one way conversation. Come and send me a DM or tag me in your stories or whatever it is, but tell me how you are going to be shaking up your content strategy based on what we've talked about today. I would love to hear from you one big action, one big bold action that you will be taking to get your content machine working for you and start working with those beautiful students, those clients of yours, because that's the impact you're making and that's your mission that you're on.
And that's how you're changing the world. So come and slide into my DMs and tell me all about it. I can't wait to hear from you and otherwise until next week, keep building that empire of yours, stay badass and rain on my friend, a shit ton of income, crazy impact, a business that you love. Just by listening to this episode, you are one step closer to your very own badass empire.
Now I want to hear from you. Tag me in your stories or send me a DM over on Instagram so I can learn what resonated with you most. Oh, and if you're the kind of badass who is willing to help us out big time and take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast, make sure you send us a screenshot of that review at hello at badass empires dot com Transcribed So I can send you a juicy freebie to say thank you until next time.
Keep showing up for your future and we'll keep smashing goals in the next episode.