Don’t Feel Like an “Expert” in Anything? Try This

Ever had those nagging thoughts that make you hesitate before even starting your own online business? You know, the ones that whisper you've got nothing to offer, no expertise to bring to the table? Let me stop you right there because guess what? You absolutely do!

You're one of a kind, with a whole bag of life experiences, hobbies, passions, and knowledge that's totally yours. That's where your expertise is hiding, right in that mix. You just need to pinpoint what that expertise is.

In today's episode, we're diving into three essential steps to becoming an authority, embracing and owning whatever expertise you've got (even if it doesn't feel like much yet), and starting your very own empire right now with even just a little expertise - no fancy qualifications needed.

I’d love to get to know you so please reach out to me on Instagram at @badassempires_ and tell me what attracted you to the Badass Empires podcast.

Head on over to my website to see more ways that we can support you in creating your very own empire.